A Nodejs weatherstation event listener for particle cloud weatherstations running RHC-weatherstation code.
When an event is received it is parsed and sent to WUnderground, Windy, PWSWeather, Weathercloud, and/or OpenWeatherMap.
node app.js --wunderground ID:KEY
- --deviceID : The device ID, name or mine for only my devices.
- -u --user : A username:password combination. If no username and password combination or access token is provided the default test:test user will be used.
- -t --token : A predefined access token (recommended)
- -e --event : The event name we query against. Defaults to 'obs'
- -o --offset : The directional offset to be applied to the reported wind direction.
- --wunderground : Wunderground settings. id:key
- --windy : Windy settings. id:key
- --pwsweather : PWSWeather settings. id:key
- --weathercloud : Weathercloud settings. id:key
- --openweathermap : OpenWeatherMap settings. id:key
- --cwop : CWOP settings. id:key (not functional)
Event data should have a 9 character or 22 characters length
wind speed, gust speed, wind direction, and battery voltage, restart
- Two digits are wind speed: 12 mph
- Two digits are gust speed: 18 mph
- Three digits give wind direction: 213 degrees.
- Two digits give battery voltage: 7.6V (but we add 5V - so this really means 12.6V)
- One digit to identify the first reported event
wind speed, wind gust, wind dir, temperature, pressure, voltage, restart
- Two digits are wind speed: 12 mph
- Two digits are gust speed: 18 mph
- Three digits give wind direction: 213 degrees.
- Three digits give temperature: 54.2
- Five digits give preasure: 760.00
- Two digits give battery voltage: 7.6V (but we add 5V - so this really means 12.6V)
- One digit to identify the first event
wind speed, wind gust, wind dir, temperature, pressure, humidity, voltage, restart
- Two digits are wind speed: 12 mph
- Two digits are gust speed: 18 mph
- Three digits give wind direction: 213 degrees.
- Three digits give temperature: 54.2
- Five digits give preasure: 760.00
- Three digit give humidity: 056
- Two digits give battery voltage: 7.6V (but we add 5V - so this really means 12.6V)
- One digit to identify the first event
- BUGFIX Listener will stop receiving events when the particle cloud token expires (90 days) but does not stop running.
- Fix errors when events have bad data. There is no error handling now.
- Add WeatherFlow Reporting Support.
- Add CWOP/APRS Reporting Support. (This is in progress)