This repository contains materials for hands on examples for the Effective Visual Communication Webinar for the ASCPT Pharmacometrics & Pharmacokinetcs (PMK) Community.
The site supports a two-part webinar series run on the 15th and 22nd of Janruary, 2021. Part 2 will discuss submitted examples following the EVC principles introduced in part 1. Below is a description of the three homework examples for part 2.
Please also feel free to also use the materials on your next project. Any feedback or comments on the materials are welcome!
For the assignment, pick one of the options below:
- Option 1 (improve a graph): Capmatinib NSCLC MET mutations
- Option 2 (create a graph): Missed doses due to COVID-19
- Option 3: Bring your own example
- Step 1 (have a clear purpose): Complete the Purpose Worksheet for the example you choose. Partially completed purpose worksheets are available for supplied examples. If you choose to bring your own example, a blank purpose worksheet is available here: Purpose_Worksheet.docx
- Step 2 (show the data clearly): Select what data to display, and how to display it, iterate through a few alternatives in quick sketches
- Step 3 (make the message obvious): Choose a graph or two from the previous step, and refine to make the message obvious
Note: For steps 2 and 3, you may choose to use pen and paper, or a drawing, graphing, or coding software. It’s up to you!
Please submit your examples ahead of Part 2 of the webinar for discussion/feedback using the following webform.
We will accept both produced figures as will as scanned images and photos of drawn ideas. Your example does not need to be perfect of polished. We are interested in your brainstorming ideas and thought process. We believe by sharing these ideas and workings with the community others will also benefit. Thank you for contributing!
Submit your examples by the end of Wednesday 20Jan2021 if you would like to have your example discussed or presented during webinar Part2
- Friday 22Jan2021.
If you do not have a google drive login, or if you experience any issues with the webform, please email your submissions directly to us.
Also, please feel free to submit your examples after this date if you would like feedback from the team. We plan to follow up on all submissions. Submit via webform or email to be included as the Webinar Part2 discussion and feedback session.
If you would prefer not to have your submission to be made public, click on the option in the webform or indicate directly in your email.
For any questions please reach out directly to the facilitators through email or the discussion board.
Here are a list of the webinar materials:
- Slides from part 1 presented 15Jan2021
- Slides from part 2 presented 22Jan2021
- Shortcut to the purpose worksheet
- The ASCPT Pharmacometrics & Pharmacokinetcs (PMK) Community webinar site.
- Cheat sheet and tutorial
- The purpose worksheet is inspired by the big idea worksheet from the book: Knaflic, Cole. Storytelling With Data: Let’s Practice! Wiley, © 2019.
Here are a list of other useful resources and related initiatives.
Graphical principles initiative:
- A Rstudio Rviews webinar on graphics principles and visR, and blog post
- R in Pharma 2020 talk on EVC, slides and video.
- The xGx initiative from Novartis PMX.
Data visualization initiatives:
- PSI special interest group on visualisation (VIS SIG).
- The PSI VIS SIG Wonderful Wednesdays webinar series, datasets and blog.
- The CTSpedia initiative.
- The STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies (STRATOS) visualisation panel
- The visR initiative.
Online resources:
- Trees, maps and theorems by Jean-luc Doumont
- Data visualization by Kieran Healy, including R code with examples.
- Fundamentals of data vizualisation by Claus O. Wilke. The book also includes R code with examples.