This is the product page for GovWifi. It is a middleman site originally copied from the product-page-example repo.
Software required to be installed to get the local version working are:
- ruby (recommended version is
) - docker
- npm (installed with nodejs)
To pull the code from Github, enter the following into your terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal on Mac):
git clone
cd govwifi-product-page
gem install bundler
make build
npm install
You can now open the codebase in any text editor and make changes.
To make the site viewable in your browser:
make serve
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:4567
Before starting, run bundle install
in the project to ensure all necessary gems are installed.
To run tests locally, run the following command from the project root directory:
$ rspec ./spec/features/
This is deployed to github pages, via a workflow. Has been noticed that on occasions it can 'stick' on the setup node
step, if this happens, terminate the job and rerun.
The source
folder contains all the pages that you will want to change, eg: index.html.erb
. Whenever you save a change, the site will automatically reload so you can see your changes at http://localhost:4567
Once you have made any changes, do the following to save your changes to git and push to github:
git add -A
git push
We welcome contribution suggestions from outside of the GovWifi team, but the process is slightly different:
How to contribute
- Fork the project
- Create a feature or fix branch
- Make your changes (with tests if applicable)
- Raise a pull request
The pull request must be reviewed by members of the GovWifi team and the content community.
The documentation is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.