A logging system for Java applications.
Feel free to clone this repository. This is an eclipse project, so you can add it to your favorite workspace in no time!
You can also download the whole project as an archive.
You will find the javadoc in the doc folder.
Several test files are available in fr.esiea.CanadianLoggerjack.tester. They will help you getting started.
Once you have a Logger Object, you're golden:
logger.error("This is an error level message");
logger.info("This is an informative message");
logger.debug("This is for talkative people");
In order to get a Logger, you will first need to configure it. Lucky for you, it's quite easy to do:
Configuration config = new Configuration();
Then, instantiate a Factory:
LoggerFactory lf = new LoggerFactory(conf);
You can of course also do both in one:
LoggerFactory lf = new LoggerFactory(new Configuration());
It is also possible to build a configuration through a .properties file (see below and in the javadoc).
All the configuration goes into the Configuration object. Crazy, isn't it?
You can set a Formatter. Add several Target(s). And, of course, set the logLevel of your logger.
Here are the different error levels:
- DEBUG (verbose)
You can set it with:
The default value is ERROR.
A formatter is an Object made to format your message. You can make your own formatter by extending the fr.esiea.CanadianLoggerjack.impl.Formator class.
If you do not specify a formatter, the default one will be used.
A Target is a mean to store the log. There are several targets:
fr.esiea.CanadianLoggerjack.impl.TargetConsole: the simplest default parameter: the console
fr.esiea.CanadianLoggerjack.impl.TargetFile: Record into a file
fr.esiea.CanadianLoggerjack.impl.TargetRolloverFile: Record into a file, and create a new file when the size limit is reached
Please refer to the javadoc to learn know how to build your target. Some of them have interesting parameters, modifying their behaviour.
Note: All targets will receive the same message.
If you want to implement your own target, you'll need to implement the Target interface.
If you implement your own target, you MUST also create a TargetBuilder, by extending the fr.esiea.CanadianLoggerjack.impl.TargetFactory class.
This class will create your target when the configuration is created through a .properties file.
The user will have only one String variable to put all the parameters needed for your factory.
Then, your TargetBuilder will be called by the LoggerFactory in order to build your own Target! Isn't it exciting? No? LIAR! It's fun stuff ;-)
Tip: First create your Target class. Then, find a clever way to distinguish the different ways of creating your Target.
Do not forget to specify it clearly in your javadoc. (think about comma separation for instance)
Tip: If something goes wrong with the String that was passed, feel free to raise an exception new InvalidConfigurationException!
Okay. That's becoming more complicated now. Just a bit though.
Make a line beginning with a # to make a comment. Easy.
Please ignore the brackets[] and braces{}, they are here for educational purpose only.
Between the square brackets there must be a class name.
Between the curly braces there must be a String.
[TheFirstClassYouWantToLog].loglevel = {LOGLEVEL for this class}
[TheFirstClassYouWantToLog].formator = [TheFormatorClassYouWant for this class]
[TheFirstClassYouWantToLog].targetFactories = [TargetFactory1];[Another TargetFactory];[targetFactory2];[and so on and so forth]
[TheFirstClassYouWantToLog].[TargetFactory2].params = {parameters for TargetFactory2}
[TheFirstClassYouWantToLog].[TargetFactory1].params = {parameters for TargetFactory1}
[TheSecondClassYouWantToLog].logLevel = {LOGLEVEL for this other class}
[TheThirdClassYouWantToLog].logLevel = {LOGLEVEL for this other class}
In the example above, [Another TargetFactory] and [and so on and so forth] will be called without parameter by the LoggerFactory. However, [TheThirdClassYouWantToLog] will not get any specific parameter, because there is no line with only its classname.