Releases: GoekeLab/sg-nex-data
Releases · GoekeLab/sg-nex-data
Update fastq and bam files
Replacement of fastq and bam files
- fastq files basecalled from fast5 converted blow5 files using Guppy 6.4.2
- bam files using updated fastq files with Minimap2-2.22
Added in code for SG-NEx manuscript
Inclusion of new cell lines in the core dataset
- Included long and short read RNA-seq data for H9 and HEYA8 samples in the core dataset
- Included two large cDNA samples for Hct116 (>100 mil)
- Updated some problematic fastq files on ENA and AWS
Update release of SG-NEx dataset
SG-NEx data release v0.2-pre-release
New release of SG-NEx datasets
Full Changelog:
- added short read samples that are matched to long read samples for the 5 human cancer cell lines
- updated data access links
- added the SG-NEx preprint reference citation
- added use cases and applications
- update on the data usage note
SG-NEx data release v0.1-pre-release
Please refer to for detailed description of the SG-NEx project