#874 Bi-Directional Forwarding Detection support for Layer 3 Endpoints
#947 OESS Configuration Moved into Junos group
#944 External CSS and JS now hosted locally
#918 Adding ability to search for entities in phonebook
#959 Adding customer endpoint templates to assist customers with network configuration
#922 More consistent terminology throughout the UI
#945 Endpoint selector now defaults to Entity selection form
#917 Fixes case where sub-entities are unable to be created
#769 Fixed broken form validation for peering addresses
#937 Fixes issue with endpoint selector that prevented selection of underlying interface
#940 Fixed an issue where the unit number was improperly selected for provisioning
#938 Refactoring User object to lazily load workgroups increasing load time of Connections.
#923 Fixes case where traffic utilization displayed values for entire interface vs the expected sub-interface
You can’t perform that action at this time.