This repository contains a single Python script to create nice images or animations of Julia sets.
This script has a command line interface: get started with the following command:
python --help
usage: [-h] [-k [K [K ...]]] [-s SIZE] [-x X] [-c COLORMAP]
[--pattern PATTERN] [-o OUTPUT] [-n NUMBER] [-p]
Generate a julias set fractal curve
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k [K [K ...]] complex number used to create Julia set. Two numbers
have to be given for animation. Default is
0.285+0.01j. (default: [(0.285+0.01j)])
-s SIZE, --size SIZE size of the generated image. (default: 401)
-x X domain size of the fractal. Default is 2.0, meaning a
-2 x +2, -2 x +2 square will be created. (default:
-c COLORMAP, --colormap COLORMAP
name of the matplotlib colormap to use. (default:
--pattern PATTERN pattern use to control output. A letter corresponds to
a picture, several letters can be given. Description
is given below. (default: abcde)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
name of the generated file. If not provided, result
will display on screen. (default: None)
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
number of pictures to generate between two complex
numbers. Default is 2. (default: 2)
-p, --parallel boolean used to create images in a parallel way. It
used the (n-1) cores. Default is False. (default:
# Display help
python --help
# Create a Julia set fractal with k=0.285+0.01j with 501 points and a square with half-length of 1.25
python -s 501 -x 1.25 -k 0.285+0.01j
# Create an animation with 50 frames that covers from 0.285+0.01j to 0.285+0.02j
python -s 501 -x 1.25 -k 0.285+0.01j 0.285+0.02j -n 50 -o animation.mp4
# Same as previous but with fully developped argument and parallel execution
python --size 501 -x 1.25 -k 0.285+0.01j 0.285+0.02j -number 50 --parallel
# Pattern describes the output displayed. Possible letter are:
a : Real part of Z
b : Norm of Z
c : Imaginary part of Z
d : Convergence level
e : Ponderation between norm and convergence level
# Available colormaps are
Accent, Blues, BrBG, BuGn, BuPu, CMRmap, Dark2, GnBu, Greens, Greys, OrRd, Oranges,
PRGn, Paired, Pastel1, Pastel2, PiYG, PuBu, PuBuGn, PuOr, PuRd, Purples, RdBu, RdGy,
RdPu, RdYlBu, RdYlGn, Reds, Set1, Set2, Set3, Spectral, YlGn, YlGnBu, YlOrBr, YlOrRd,
afmhot, autumn, binary, bone, brg, bwr, cool, coolwarm, copper, cubehelix, flag,
gist_earth, gist_gray, gist_heat, gist_ncar, gist_rainbow, gist_stern, gist_yarg,
gnuplot, gnuplot2, gray, hot, hsv, jet, nipy_spectral, ocean, pink, prism, rainbow,
seismic, spectral, spring, summer, terrain, winter