Here are the small projects I am working on my personal time in order to improve my coding skills.
A simple ar tichu helper application that was built with C# on Unity.
A automation testing project with java, selenium and cucumber with testng.
A todo web app using vanilla javascript and html/css.
A bot that helps you earn XP on Legends of Runeterra that was built with python (pyautogui).
Recreating simple machine learning algorithm using python.
Some basic python crawlers to familirize myself with web scraping using python.
A todo web app using Reactjs .
A bot that guesses some answers on when playing with greek words. The project uses python and web scraping tools.
A python telegram bot that scrapes wods from crossfit websites and sends them into a channel.
A python bot that helps you type really fast but not so fast that you need to fill a captcha.
A Vue3 project to test the basics of the project