Releases: GetmeUK/manhattan-js-typeahead
Releases · GetmeUK/manhattan-js-typeahead
Fix: `q`uery string is now escaped before being added to mark
Fix: Correction to previous fix to address unescaped content being possible in suggestions
1.0.17 fix: resolve issue with mark code unescaping content
Fix: Prevent unescaped content being inserted into suggestion element
1.0.16 fix: prevent raw HTML appearing in default element behavior
Fix for Edge 18 lack of scroll method support
1.0.15 Merge pull request #2 from GetmeUK/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-sass-…
Support for typeaheads that intitially show all possible values
- Added support for setting max suggestions option as 0 (for unlimited suggestions).
- Focus now triggers an open request (which allows a typeahead that works when the length of the query string is 0).
- If there's no query string the length sort behaviour will sort suggestions alphabetically.
- If the typeahead is closed and the user presses an arrow key this will trigger an open request (again this is to help support typeaheads with no minimum query length).
Fix for unescaped characters in the query string
1.0.11 Version bump
Fetch request will now include cookies
1.0.10 Fetch request will now include cookies
Added support for typehead entries and user input entries
1.0.9 Added support for typeahead+tokenizer+free-entry
Tokenizer fields now prevent submission
1.0.8 Updated tokenizer to prevent form submissions when the enter key is u…