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(Note: The original version of DDL statements are for Amazone Redshift, below are the Getaround-customized DDLs for Postgres.)
CREATE table datablocks_gsod.zipcode
zip_code text,
latitude numeric,
longitude numeric,
city text,
state text,
county text
ALTER TABLE datablocks_gsod.zipcode ADD PRIMARY KEY (zip_code);
CREATE table datablocks_gsod.zipcode_station
zip_code text,
year integer,
nearest_station_id text,
distance_from_nearest_station numeric
ALTER TABLE datablocks_gsod.zipcode_station ADD PRIMARY KEY (zip_code, year);
CREATE INDEX nearest_station_id_idx ON datablocks_gsod.zipcode_station (nearest_station_id);
CREATE table datablocks_gsod.zcta_county_map
zcta5 text,
state text,
county text,
geoid text,
poppt bigint,
hupt bigint,
areapt bigint,
arealandpt bigint,
zpop bigint,
zhu bigint,
zarea bigint,
zarealand bigint,
copop bigint,
cohu bigint,
coarea bigint,
coarealand bigint,
zpoppct numeric,
zhupct numeric,
zareapct numeric,
zarealandpct numeric,
copoppct numeric,
cohupct numeric,
coareapct numeric,
coarealandpct numeric
CREATE table datablocks_gsod.stations
usaf text,
wban text,
name text,
country text,
state text,
call text,
lat text,
lon text,
elev text,
begin timestamp with time zone,
"end" timestamp with time zone
ALTER TABLE datablocks_gsod.stations ADD PRIMARY KEY (usaf, wban);
CREATE table datablocks_gsod.gsod
stn text,
wban text,
year integer,
mo integer,
da integer,
temp numeric,
count_temp integer,
dewp numeric,
count_dewp integer,
slp numeric,
count_slp integer,
stp numeric,
count_stp integer,
visib numeric,
count_visib integer,
wdsp numeric,
count_wdsp integer,
mxpsd numeric,
gust numeric,
max numeric,
flag_max text,
min numeric,
flag_min text,
prcp numeric,
flag_prcp text,
sndp numeric,
fog smallint,
rain_drizzle smallint,
snow_ice_pellets smallint,
hail smallint,
thunder smallint,
tornado_funnel_cloud smallint
ALTER TABLE datablocks_gsod.gsod ADD PRIMARY KEY (stn, wban, year, mo, da);