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hajo4 edited this page Feb 22, 2014
3 revisions
Challenge-map TinyTown1
-- TinyTown1.lua - HaJo Gurt - 2014-02-22
local Prog="MapMaker-TinyTown1"
local dbg=1
Generate challenge-maps for trAInsported (maps for a single AI)
2014-02-21 Original from: SmallTown5.lua
2014-02-22 first version - map 4x3
For documentation see:
* http://trainsportedgame.no-ip.org/maps.php
* https://github.com/Germanunkol/trAInsported/blob/master/MakingMaps.md
function myPrint(dbgLevel, ...)
if dbg >= dbgLevel then print(...) end
local ch = {}
--ch.name = "TinyTestTown-1"
ch.version = "4" -- req. version of trAInsported
ch.maxTrains = 1
ch.startMoney = 25 -- 1 train costs 25
-- ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #####
local mapAuthor = "hajo4 2014-02-22"
local mapDescr = "TinyTown1 - small map with minimal rendering time to test AIs."
ch.name = "TinyTestTown-1"
ch.maxTrains, ch.startMoney = 3, 25
local maxX, maxY = 5, 4
local _mapT1 =
"CSccc" ..
"C.c--" ..
"C.cHc" ..
local _mapT2 =
"CCccc" ..
"CScWH" ..
"CCcHc" ..
local maxX, maxY = 4, 3
local _mapT3 =
"CCCc" ..
"CHCS" ..
local _map =
"cccC" ..
"cHcS" ..
-- ....+....1....+....2
-- 5x3 map has 1 house, 1 hotspot, 1 loop, 2 deadends.
-- 6 passengers are created to allow 2 trains to operate.
-- The map can be done in less than 60s.
local passengersRemaining, passengersCreated = 6, false
local maxTime = 120
maxTime = 100 -- Map with 6 passengers: can be done in less than 60s
--[[ Times for some AIs:
AI_Rechenknecht_v2: 55s / Stupid-Fixed: 56s / winKI_v2: 56s / Marvin2: 59s / czAI20: 59s /
Optimum_S: 60s / Optimax: 64-66s / Fiete_02: 67s / buerokrat_120: 69s / Quetzal1000: 77s /
Dragon_09: 80s / GarchaKing: 80s / Geselle: 87s-89s / NinjAI_2: 94s / BigIron3: 98s-100s /
Teilebahn-3: 57 / bernie3: 64s / BigIron2: 67s / Better_PF: 68s / PaziFist: 71s / RUR: 73s /
WybeJunior: 75s / agentOrange: 82s / Cecelia: 83s / AI2: 85s / Simple_PF: 94s /
brAIndead/Cooper: 99s / YUNOBringMeHome: 100s / Bethany: 103s / TestAI: loop /
Failed (100s +) : CheapAIv3.1: loop / TrainBrain: loop / MazeRunner_004: 111s /
local startupMessage = "Welcome to TinyTestTown!\n"..
"Transport the people around in TinyTown.\n"..
"You have " .. maxTime .. " seconds!"
-- ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #####
-- create a new, empty map with known dimensions:
ch.map = challenges.createEmptyMap(maxX, maxY)
-- fill in mapdata:
local x,y,b = 1,1,0
for p = 1, string.len(_map) do
s = string.sub(_map, p,p)
if s == "#" then s = "C" end
if s == "c" then s = "C" end
if s == "." then s = " " end
if s == "-" then s = " " end
if s == "_" then s = " " end
-- 1x1 buildings: / see mapRenderPart.lua
if s == "h" then s = "H" end
if s == "M" then s = "CINEMA" end
if s == "W" then s = "STORE" end
if s == "B" then s = "BOOKSTORE" end
if s == "P" then s = "PIESTORE" end
if s == "p" then s = "PLAYGROUND" end
-- 2x2 buildings:
-- "HOSPITAL" 11,12, 21,22
if s == "L" then s = "SCHOOL" end
if s == "+" then s = "HOSPITAL" end
-- 3x3 buildings:
if s == "1" then s = "H" end
if s == "X" then s = "HOUSE_1_LARGE_11" end
if s == "x" then s = "HOUSE_1_LARGE_12" end
if s == "Y" then s = "HOUSE_2_LARGE_11" end
if s == "y" then s = "HOUSE_2_LARGE_12" end
if s == "Z" then s = "HOUSE_3_LARGE_11" end
if s == "z" then s = "HOUSE_3_LARGE_12" end
if s == "3" then s = "HOUSE_3_LARGE_21" end
if s == "Q" then s = "HOUSE_4_LARGE_11" end
if s == "q" then s = "HOUSE_4_LARGE_12" end
if s == "4" then s = "HOUSE_4_LARGE_21" end
if s ~= " " then
ch.map[x][y] = s
if x >= maxX then
myPrint(1, "Map "..ch.name, "ready:", maxX.."x"..maxY, b )
console.add("Map "..ch.name.." ready:"..maxX.."x"..maxY, colorGreen )
function directDistance(x1,y1, x2,y2)
return math.sqrt( (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 )
function manhattanDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
return math.abs(x1-x2) + math.abs(y1-y2)
function nearbyRail( x,y )
-- check where nearest rail is:
-- 0: tile at x,y is rail
-- 1: adjacent tile has rail (N,E,S,W)
-- 2: diagonally adjacent tile has rail (NE,NW,SE,SW)
-- 3: no rail in range
if ch.map[ x ][ y ] == "C" then return 0
elseif ch.map[x+1][y ] == "C" then return 1
elseif ch.map[x-1][y ] == "C" then return 1
elseif ch.map[x ][y+1] == "C" then return 1
elseif ch.map[x ][y-1] == "C" then return 1
elseif ch.map[x+1][y+1] == "C" then return 2
elseif ch.map[x+1][y-1] == "C" then return 2
elseif ch.map[x-1][y+1] == "C" then return 2
elseif ch.map[x-1][y-1] == "C" then return 2
else return 3 end
function decr(x)
return x-1
function incr(x)
return x+1
function ch.start()
-- Colors for console-output:
local colorWhite = {r=255,g=255,b=255}
local colorGrey = {r=128,g=128,b=128}
local colorGreen = {r=0, g=255,b=0}
-- Watch the player:
function ch.newTrain(train)
console.add("newTrain #"..train.ID, colorGreen )
myPrint(1, "New train #"..train.ID.." created at:", train.x, train.y)
function ch.passengerBoarded(train, passenger)
console.add("Train #"..train.ID.." picked up "..passenger.name, colorWhite )
myPrint(1, "passengerBoarded:", train.ID)
function ch.passengerDroppedOff(train, psx)
if train.tileX == psx.destX and train.tileY == psx.destY then
passengersRemaining = passengersRemaining - 1
--console.add("passengersRemaining :"..passengersRemaining, {r=255,g=255,b=255})
--myPrint(1, "passengersRemaining:", passengersRemaining)
console.add("Train #"..train.ID.." passengerDroppedOff ->"..passengersRemaining, colorWhite )
myPrint(1, "passengerDroppedOff:", train.ID, psx.name, "->", passengersRemaining)
challenges.removeMessage() -- remove msgbox after first passenger is dropped off
function createPassengers()
--provide several alternatives for creating passengers
--make some VIPs
local psx, d,r, x,y, x1,y2, x1,y2, destX,destY, s
myPrint(3,"# update: create passengers")
function ch.update(time)
-- This gets called every frame.
-- Update the messagebox for remaining time, passengers etc.
-- and keep track of / generate passengers.
local psx, d,r, x,y, x1,y2, x1,y2, destX,destY
local s, timeLeft
if time > 3 and not passengersCreated then
-- destX = 9 -- Location of warehouse as destination
-- destY = 2
-- passenger.new( x, y, destX, destY )
-- passenger.new( 1, math.random(4) , 10, math.random(4) + 3 )
-- put some psx at selected locations:
--x1,y1 = 1, 1 -- fixed start-location of passenger
--destX,destY = 6, 9 -- Location of destination (e.g. a store)
x1,y1 = 10, 3 -- fixed start-location of passenger
destX,destY = 3, 6 -- Location of destination (e.g. a store)
r = 9
while r>0 do
x2 = math.random(destX-1,destX+1) -- area around destination
y2 = math.random(destY-1,destY+1)
r = nearbyRail( x2,y2 )
myPrint(5, "# nearbyRail: "..x2,y2, r )
passenger.new( x1,y1, x2,y2 )
myPrint(3, "### New passenger #".. psx..":", x1.."/"..y1, x2.."/"..y2 )
-- fill up with psx from anywhere to anywhere-except-outer-ring
while psx < passengersRemaining do
r = 9
while r>0 do
x = math.random(maxX) -- whole map
y = math.random(maxY)
--x = math.random(2,maxX-1) -- no destinations on outer ring
--y = math.random(2,maxY-1)
r = nearbyRail( x,y )
myPrint(5, "# nearbyRail: "..x,y, r )
x2,y2 = x,y
d,r = 0,9
while (d<1.4) or (r>0) do -- ensure both spots are near rails,
-- and some minimum travel-distance apart
x = math.random(maxX)
y = math.random(maxY)
d = directDistance( x,y, x2,y2 )
r = nearbyRail( x,y )
myPrint(5, "## nearbyRail: "..x,y, r,d )
x1,y1 = x,y
passenger.new( x1,y1, x2,y2 )
myPrint(3, "### New passenger #".. psx..":", x1.."/"..y1, x2.."/"..y2 )
passengersCreated = true
--challenges.setStatus("Map by "..mapAuthor.."\n" ..
-- math.floor(maxTime-time) .. " seconds remaining.\n" ..
timeLeft = math.floor(maxTime-time)
challenges.setStatus("Map "..ch.name.." by "..mapAuthor.."\n" ..
timeLeft .. " seconds remaining.\n" ..
passengersRemaining .." passengers remaining.")
if time > maxTime then
console.add("game over: lost", colorGreen )
myPrint(1, "# Game over: lost")
return "lost", "Some passengers are still missing :-("
if passengersRemaining == 0 then
--console.add("game over: won", colorGreen )
console.add("game over: won", {r=44,g=255,b=44} )
myPrint(1, "# Game over: won")
s = "ok"
if timeLeft > (maxTime*0.60) then s = "Incredible !"
elseif timeLeft > (maxTime*0.50) then s = "Impressive !"
elseif timeLeft > (maxTime*0.40) then s = "Excellent !"
elseif timeLeft > (maxTime*0.30) then s = "Very good !"
elseif timeLeft > (maxTime*0.20) then s = "Good !"
elseif timeLeft > (maxTime*0.10) then s = "Well done !"
elseif timeLeft > (maxTime*0.05) then s = "Just in time !"
s = "In the nick of time !"
return "won", s.."\n"..time.." / "..timeLeft.." / "..maxTime
return ch