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essenciary committed Dec 11, 2024
2 parents 4db26e1 + a0b607e commit c074f48
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Showing 12 changed files with 487 additions and 716 deletions.
34 changes: 23 additions & 11 deletions assets/js/keepalive.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,33 @@
** keepalive.js // v1.0.0 // 6th January 2022
** keepalive.js // v1.1.0 // 11 November 2024
** Keeps alive the websocket connection by sending a ping every x seconds
** where x = Genie.config.webchannels_keepalive_frequency

function keepalive() {
if (window._lastMessageAt !== undefined) {
if ( - window._lastMessageAt < Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency) {
function keepalive(WebChannel) {
if (WebChannel.lastMessageAt !== undefined) {
dt = - WebChannel.lastMessageAt;
// allow for a 200ms buffer
if (dt + 200 < Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency) {
keepaliveTimer(WebChannel, Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency - dt);

if (Genie.Settings.env == 'dev') {'Keeping connection alive');
if (!WebChannel.ws_disconnected) {
if (Genie.Settings.env == 'dev') {'Keeping connection alive');
WebChannel.sendMessageTo(, 'keepalive', {
'payload': {}

Genie.WebChannels.sendMessageTo(CHANNEL, 'keepalive', {
'payload': {}

function keepaliveTimer(WebChannel, startDelay = Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency) {
setTimeout(() => {
WebChannel.keepalive_interval = setInterval(() => keepalive(WebChannel), Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency);
}, startDelay)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions assets/js/watchers.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const watcherMixin = {

push: function (field) {
Genie.WebChannels.sendMessageTo(CHANNEL, 'watchers', {'payload': {
this.WebChannel.sendMessageTo(this.channel_, 'watchers', {'payload': {
'field': field,
'newval': this[field],
'oldval': null,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ const eventMixin = {
if (event_data === undefined) { event_data = {} }
console.debug('event: ' + JSON.stringify(event_data) + ":" + event_handler)
if (mode=='addclient') { event_data._addclient = true}
Genie.WebChannels.sendMessageTo(window.CHANNEL, 'events', {
this.WebChannel.sendMessageTo(this.channel_, 'events', {
'event': {
'name': event_handler,
'event': event_data
Expand Down
136 changes: 67 additions & 69 deletions src/Elements.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ function vue_integration(::Type{M};
debounce::Int = Stipple.JS_DEBOUNCE_TIME,
transport::Module = Genie.WebChannels)::String where {M<:ReactiveModel}
model = Base.invokelatest(M)

vue_app = json(model |> Stipple.render)
vue_app = replace(vue_app, "\"$(getchannel(model))\"" => Stipple.channel_js_name)

Expand All @@ -157,89 +156,88 @@ function vue_integration(::Type{M};

output =
function initStipple(rootSelector){
// components = Stipple.init($( core_theme ? "{theme: '$theme'}" : "" ));
const app = Vue.createApp($( replace(vue_app, "'$(Stipple.UNDEFINED_PLACEHOLDER)'"=>Stipple.UNDEFINED_VALUE) ))
/* Object.entries(components).forEach(([key, value]) => {
app.component(key, value)
}); */
Stipple.init( app, $( core_theme ? "{theme: '$theme'}" : "" ));
// gather legacy global options
app.prototype = {}
// apply legacy global options
Object.entries(app.prototype).forEach(([key, value]) => {
app.config.globalProperties[key] = value
window.$vue_app_name = window.GENIEMODEL = app.mount(rootSelector);
} // end of initStipple


function initWatchers(){

["window.", vue_app_name), field, Stipple.channel_js_name, debounce, model) for field in fieldnames(Stipple.get_concrete_type(M))
if Stipple.has_frontend_watcher(field, model)]

} // end of initWatchers


window.parse_payload = function(payload){
if (payload.key) {
window.$(vue_app_name).updateField(payload.key, payload.value);
window.parse_payload = function(WebChannel, payload){
if (payload.key) {
WebChannel.parent.updateField(payload.key, payload.value);
function app_ready() {
$vue_app_name.channel_ = window.CHANNEL;
$vue_app_name.isready = true;
$(transport == Genie.WebChannels &&
function app_ready(app) {
if (app.WebChannel == Genie.AllWebChannels[0]) Genie.Revivers.addReviver(app.revive_jsfunction);
app.isready = true;
transport == Genie.WebChannels &&
try {
if (Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency > 0) {
$vue_app_name.keepalive_interval = setInterval(keepalive, Genie.Settings.webchannels_keepalive_frequency);
keepaliveTimer(app.WebChannel, 0);
} catch (e) {
if (Genie.Settings.env === 'dev') {
console.error('Error setting WebSocket keepalive interval: ' + e);
if (Genie.Settings.env === 'dev') {'App starting');
if ( window.autorun === undefined || window.autorun === true ) {
function initStipple$vue_app_name(appName, rootSelector, channel){
// components = Stipple.init($( core_theme ? "{theme: '$theme'}" : "" ));
const app = Vue.createApp($( replace(vue_app, "'$(Stipple.UNDEFINED_PLACEHOLDER)'"=>Stipple.UNDEFINED_VALUE) ))
/* Object.entries(components).forEach(([key, value]) => {
app.component(key, value)
}); */
Stipple.init( app, $( core_theme ? "{theme: '$theme'}" : "" ));
// gather legacy global options
app.prototype = {}
// apply legacy global options
Object.entries(app.prototype).forEach(([key, value]) => {
app.config.globalProperties[key] = value
const stippleApp = window[appName] = window.GENIEMODEL = app.mount(rootSelector);
stippleApp.WebChannel = Genie.initWebChannel(channel);
stippleApp.WebChannel.parent = stippleApp;
stippleApp.channel_ = channel;
return stippleApp;
} // end of initStipple
function initWatchers$vue_app_name(app){
["app", field, Stipple.channel_js_name, debounce, model) for field in fieldnames(Stipple.get_concrete_type(M))
if Stipple.has_frontend_watcher(field, model)]

} // end of initWatchers
function create$vue_app_name(channel) {
window.counter$vue_app_name = window.counter$vue_app_name || 1
const appName = '$vue_app_name' + ((counter$vue_app_name == 1) ? '' : '_' + window.counter$vue_app_name)
const rootSelector = '#$vue_app_name' + ((counter$vue_app_name == 1) ? '' : '-' + window.counter$vue_app_name)
if ( window.autorun === undefined || window.autorun === true ) {
app = initStipple$vue_app_name(appName, rootSelector, channel);
app.WebChannel.subscriptionHandlers.push(function(event) {
Genie.WebChannels.subscriptionHandlers.push(function(event) {
// create$vue_app_name()
// is called via script with addEventListener to support multiple apps

Expand Down
47 changes: 41 additions & 6 deletions src/Layout.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,25 @@ const THEMES = Ref(Function[])

const FLEXGRID_KWARGS = [:col, :xs, :sm, :md, :lg, :xl, :gutter, :xgutter, :ygutter]

make_unique!(src::Vector, condition::Union{Nothing, Function} = nothing)
Utility function for removing duplicates from a vector that fulfill a given condition.
function make_unique!(src::Vector, condition::Union{Nothing, Function} = nothing)
seen = Int[]
dups = Int[]
for (i, name) in enumerate(src)
if name view(src, seen) && (condition === nothing || condition(name))
push!(dups, i)
push!(seen, i)

deleteat!(src, dups)

function layout(output::Union{String,Vector}; partial::Bool = false, title::String = "", class::String = "", style::String = "",
head_content::String = "", channel::String = Genie.config.webchannels_default_route) :: String
Expand All @@ -41,19 +60,22 @@ julia> layout([
"<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\",wght@0,400;0,700;0,900;1,400&display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\"/css/stipple/stipplecore.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\"/css/stipple/quasar.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><span v-text='greeting'>Hello</span><script src=\"/js/channels.js?v=1.17.1\"></script><script src=\"/js/underscore-min.js\"></script><script src=\"/js/\"></script><script src=\"/js/\"></script>\n<script src=\"/js/apexcharts.min.js\"></script><script src=\"/js/vue-apexcharts.min.js\"></script><script src=\"/js/stipplecore.js\" defer></script><script src=\"/js/vue_filters.js\" defer></script>"
function layout(output::Union{S,Vector}, m::M;
function layout(output::Union{S,Vector}, m::Union{M, Vector{M}};
partial::Bool = false, title::String = "", class::String = "", style::String = "", head_content::Union{AbstractString, Vector{<:AbstractString}} = "",
channel::String = Stipple.channel_js_name,
core_theme::Bool = true)::ParsedHTMLString where {M<:ReactiveModel, S<:AbstractString}

isa(output, Vector) && (output = join(output, '\n'))
m isa Vector || (m = [m])

content = [
theme(; core_theme)

make_unique!(content, contains(r"src=|href="i))

partial && return content

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,21 +106,34 @@ julia> page(:elemid, [
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title></title><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui\" /></head><body class style><link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\",wght@0,400;0,700;0,900;1,400&display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\"/css/stipple/stipplecore.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\"/css/stipple/quasar.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><div id=elemid><span v-text='greeting'>Hello</span></div><script src=\"/js/channels.js?v=1.17.1\"></script><script src=\"/js/underscore-min.js\"></script><script src=\"/js/\"></script><script src=\"/js/\"></script>\n<script src=\"/js/apexcharts.min.js\"></script><script src=\"/js/vue-apexcharts.min.js\"></script><script src=\"/js/stipplecore.js\" defer></script><script src=\"/js/vue_filters.js\" defer></script></body></html>"
function page(model::M, args...;
function page(model::Union{M, Vector{M}}, args...;
pagetemplate = (x...) -> join([x...], '\n'),
partial::Bool = false, title::String = "", class::String = "container", style::String = "",
channel::String = Genie.config.webchannels_default_route, head_content::Union{AbstractString, Vector{<:AbstractString}} = "",
prepend::Union{S,Vector} = "", append::Union{T,Vector} = [],
core_theme::Bool = true,
kwargs...)::ParsedHTMLString where {M<:Stipple.ReactiveModel, S<:AbstractString,T<:AbstractString}
model isa Vector || (model = [model])
uis = if !isempty(args)
args[1] isa Vector ? args[1] : [args[1]]
counter = Dict{DataType, Int}()

function rootselector(m::M) where M <:ReactiveModel
AM = Stipple.get_abstract_type(M)
counter[AM] = get(counter, AM, 0) + 1
return (counter[AM] == 1) ? vm(m) : "$(vm(m))-$(counter[AM])"

Genie.Renderer.Html.div(id = vm(M), args...; class = class, kwargs...)
pagetemplate([Genie.Renderer.Html.div(id = rootselector(m), ui, args[2:end]...; class = class, kwargs...) for (m, ui) in zip(model, uis)]...)
], model;
partial = partial, title = title, style = style, head_content = head_content, channel = channel,
core_theme = core_theme)
partial, title, style, head_content, channel, core_theme)

const app = page
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/Pages.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ function Page( route::Union{Route,String};
Core.eval(context, model)
elseif isa(model, Module)
context = model
() -> @eval(context, Stipple.ReactiveTools.@init(debounce = $debounce, transport = $transport, core_theme = $core_theme))
() -> Stipple.ReactiveTools.init_model(context; debounce, transport, core_theme)
elseif model isa DataType
() -> @eval(context, Stipple.ReactiveTools.@init($model; debounce = $debounce, transport = $transport, core_theme = $core_theme))
# as model is being redefined, we need to create a copy
mymodel = model
() -> Stipple.ReactiveTools.init_model(mymodel; debounce, transport, core_theme)
Expand All @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ function Page( route::Union{Route,String};

route.action = () -> (isa(view, Function) ? html! : html)(view; layout, context, model = (isa(model, Function) ? Base.invokelatest(model) : model), kwargs...)

page = Page(route, view, typeof((isa(model, Function) || isa(model, DataType) ? Base.invokelatest(model) : model)), layout, context)
page = Page(route, view, model, layout, context)

if isempty(_pages)
push!(_pages, page)
Expand Down

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