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# Conflicts:
#	Project.toml
#	src/Stipple.jl
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essenciary committed Dec 14, 2023
2 parents 808cc63 + f8c7a42 commit 2715fe7
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Showing 7 changed files with 109 additions and 46 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Stipple"
uuid = "4acbeb90-81a0-11ea-1966-bdaff8155998"
authors = ["Adrian <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.27.21"
version = "0.27.24"

Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion assets/js/watchers.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ const reviveMixin = {

const eventMixin = {
methods: {
handle_event: function (event_data, event_handler) {
handle_event: function (event_data, event_handler, mode) {
console.debug('event: ' + JSON.stringify(event_data) + ":" + event_handler)
if (mode=='addclient') { event_data._addclient = true}
Genie.WebChannels.sendMessageTo(window.CHANNEL, 'events', {
'event': {
'name': event_handler,
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Elements.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -359,6 +359,7 @@ Sometimes preprocessing of the events is necessary, e.g. to add or skip informat
macro on(arg, expr, preprocess = nothing)
preprocess isa QuoteNode && preprocess == :(:addclient) && (preprocess = "event._addclient = true")
kw = Symbol("v-on:", arg isa String ? arg : arg isa QuoteNode ? arg.value : arg.head == :vect ? join(lstrip.(string.(arg.args), ':'), '.') :
throw("Value '$arg' for `arg` not supported. `arg` should be of type Symbol, String, or Vector{Union{String, Symbol}}"))

Expand All @@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ macro on(arg, expr, preprocess = nothing)
:(replace("""function(event) {
const preprocess = (event) => { """ * replace($preprocess, '"' => "\\\"") * """; return event }
handle_event(preprocess(event), '$($(esc(expr)))')
}'""", '\n' => ';'))
}""", '\n' => ';'))
Expand Down
28 changes: 21 additions & 7 deletions src/Layout.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Layout
using Genie, Stipple

export layout, add_css, remove_css
export page, app, row, column, cell, container, flexgrid_kwargs
export page, app, row, column, cell, container, flexgrid_kwargs, htmldiv

export theme
const THEMES = Function[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ function flexgrid_kwargs(; class = "", class! = nothing, symbol_class::Bool = tr
# if either class is a Symbol or class! is not nothing.
# So an argument of the form `class! = "'my-class' + 'your-class'` is supported
# Furthermore Vectors are now supported
class isa Vector && (class = Symbol(join(js_attr.(class), " + ")))
class! isa Vector && (class! = join(js_attr.(class!), " + "))
class isa Vector && (class = Symbol(join(js_attr.(class), " + ' ' + ")))
class! isa Vector && (class! = join(js_attr.(class!), " + ' ' + "))

classes = String[]
if class isa Symbol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ function row(args...;
# for backward compatibility with `size` kwarg
col == -1 && size != -1 && (col = size)

class = class isa Symbol ? Symbol("$class + ' row'") : join(push!(split(class), "row"), " ")
kwargs = flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...)
class = class isa Symbol ? Symbol("$class + ' row'") : class isa Vector ? push!(class, "row") : join(push!(split(class), "row"), " ")
kwargs = Stipple.attributes(flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...))

Genie.Renderer.Html.div(args...; kwargs...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ function column(args...;
col == -1 && size != -1 && (col = size)

class = class isa Symbol ? Symbol("$class + ' column'") : join(push!(split(class), "column"), " ")
kwargs = flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...)
kwargs = Stipple.attributes(flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...))

Genie.Renderer.Html.div(args...; kwargs...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,7 +247,21 @@ function cell(args...;
col == 0 && size != 0 && (col = size)

class = class isa Symbol ? Symbol("$class + ' st-col'") : join(push!(split(class), "st-col"), " ")
kwargs = flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...)
kwargs = Stipple.attributes(flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...))

Genie.Renderer.Html.div(args...; kwargs...)

function htmldiv(args...;
col::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1,
xs::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1, sm::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1, md::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1,
lg::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1, xl::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1, size::Union{Int,AbstractString,Symbol,Nothing} = -1,
class = "", kwargs...)

# for backward compatibility with `size` kwarg
col == -1 && size != -1 && (col = size)

kwargs = Stipple.attributes(flexgrid_kwargs(; class, col, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, symbol_class = false, kwargs...))

Genie.Renderer.Html.div(args...; kwargs...)
Expand Down
99 changes: 72 additions & 27 deletions src/Stipple.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ using Logging, Mixers, Random, Reexport, Dates, Tables
@reexport @using_except Genie: download
@reexport @using_except Genie.Renderers.Html: mark, div, time, view, render, Headers, menu
const htmldiv = Html.div
export render, htmldiv, js_attr
@reexport using JSON3
@reexport using StructTypes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,17 +472,49 @@ function init(t::Type{M};

ch = "/$channel/watchers"
# if ! Genie.Router.ischannel(Router.channelname(ch)), named = Router.channelname(ch)) do
payload = Genie.Requests.payload(:payload)["payload"]
client = transport == Genie.WebChannels ? Genie.Requests.wsclient() : Genie.Requests.wtclient(), named = Router.channelname(ch)) do
payload = Genie.Requests.payload(:payload)["payload"]
client = transport == Genie.WebChannels ? : Genie.Requests.wtclient()

haskey(payload, "sesstoken") && ! isempty(payload["sesstoken"]) &&
Stipple.ModelStorage.Sessions.GenieSession.load(payload["sesstoken"] |> Genie.Encryption.decrypt))
catch ex
@error ex
haskey(payload, "sesstoken") && ! isempty(payload["sesstoken"]) &&
Stipple.ModelStorage.Sessions.GenieSession.load(payload["sesstoken"] |> Genie.Encryption.decrypt))
catch ex
@error ex

@debug payload

field = Symbol(payload["field"])

#check if field exists
hasfield(CM, field) || return ok_response

valtype = Dict(zip(fieldnames(CM), CM.types))[field]
val = valtype <: Reactive ? getfield(model, field) : Ref{valtype}(getfield(model, field))

# reject non-public types
( isprivate(field, model) || isreadonly(field, model) ) && return ok_response

newval = convertvalue(val, payload["newval"])
oldval = try
convertvalue(val, payload["oldval"])
catch ex

push!(model, field => newval; channel = channel, except = client)
LAST_ACTIVITY[Symbol(channel)] = now()

update!(model, field, newval, oldval)
catch ex
# send the error to the frontend
if Genie.Configuration.isdev()
return ex
return "An error has occured -- please check the logs"

field = Symbol(payload["field"])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,7 +551,7 @@ function init(t::Type{M};

# end

ch = "/$channel/keepalive"
if ! Genie.Router.ischannel(Router.channelname(ch))
Expand All @@ -538,6 +569,13 @@ function init(t::Type{M};
# form handler parameter & call event notifier
handler = Symbol(get(event, "name", nothing))
event_info = get(event, "event", nothing)

# add client id if requested
if event_info isa Dict && get(event_info, "_addclient", false)
client = transport == Genie.WebChannels ? : Genie.Requests.wtclient()
push!(event_info, "_client" => client)

isempty(methods(notify, (M, Val{handler}))) || notify(model, Val(handler))
isempty(methods(notify, (M, Val{handler}, Any))) || notify(model, Val(handler), event_info)
LAST_ACTIVITY[Symbol(channel)] = now()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,46 +660,53 @@ const max_retry_times = 10

Base.push!(app::M, vals::Pair{Symbol,T}; channel::String,
except::Union{Genie.WebChannels.HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket,Nothing,UInt}) where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
except::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}}) where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
Pushes data payloads over to the frontend by broadcasting the `vals` through the `channel`.
function Base.push!(app::M, vals::Pair{Symbol,T};
channel::String = Genie.config.webchannels_default_route,
except::Union{Genie.WebChannels.HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket,Nothing,UInt} = nothing)::Bool where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
channel::String = getchannel(app),
except::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing,
restrict::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing)::Bool where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
webtransport().broadcast(channel, json(Dict("key" => julia_to_vue(vals[1]), "value" => Stipple.render(vals[2], vals[1]))), except = except)
webtransport().broadcast(channel, json(Dict("key" => julia_to_vue(vals[1]), "value" => Stipple.render(vals[2], vals[1]))); except, restrict)
catch ex
@debug ex

function Base.push!(model::M, vals::Pair{Symbol,Reactive{T}};
channel::String = getchannel(model),
except::Union{Genie.WebChannels.HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket,Nothing,UInt} = nothing)::Bool where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
function Base.push!(app::M, vals::Pair{Symbol,Reactive{T}};
channel::String = getchannel(app),
except::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing,
restrict::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing)::Bool where {T,M<:ReactiveModel}
v = vals[2].r_mode != JSFUNCTION ? vals[2][] : replace_jsfunction(vals[2][])
push!(model, Symbol(julia_to_vue(vals[1])) => v; channel, except)
push!(app, Symbol(julia_to_vue(vals[1])) => v; channel, except, restrict)

function Base.push!(model::M;
channel::String = getchannel(model),
function Base.push!(app::M;
channel::String = getchannel(app),
except::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing,
restrict::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing,
skip::Vector{Symbol} = Symbol[])::Bool where {M<:ReactiveModel}

result = true

for field in fieldnames(M)
(isprivate(field, model) || field in skip) && continue
(isprivate(field, app) || field in skip) && continue

push!(model, field => getproperty(model, field); channel) === false && (result = false)
push!(app, field => getproperty(app, field); channel, except, restrict) === false && (result = false)


function Base.push!(model::M, field::Symbol; channel::String = getchannel(model))::Bool where {M<:ReactiveModel}
isprivate(field, model) && return false
push!(model, field => getproperty(model, field); channel)
function Base.push!(app::M, field::Symbol;
channel::String = getchannel(app),
except::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing,
restrict::Union{Nothing,UInt,Vector{UInt}} = nothing)::Bool where {M<:ReactiveModel}
isprivate(field, app) && return false
push!(app, field => getproperty(app, field); channel, except, restrict)

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/stipple/jsintegration.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ end
Execute js code in the frontend. `context` can be `:model`, `:app` or `:console`
function, jscode::String; context = :model)
context (:model, :app) && return push!(model, Symbol("js_", context) => jsfunction(jscode); channel = getchannel(model))
context == :console && push!(model, :js_model => jsfunction("console.log('$jscode')"); channel = getchannel(model))
function, jscode::String; context = :model, kwargs...)
context (:model, :app) && return push!(model, Symbol("js_", context) => jsfunction(jscode); channel = getchannel(model), kwargs...)
context == :console && push!(model, :js_model => jsfunction("console.log('$jscode')"); channel = getchannel(model), kwargs...)

Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ using Stipple.Genie.HTTPUtils.HTTP

using Test

version = Genie.Assets.package_version(Stipple)

function string_get(x)
String(HTTP.get(x, retries = 0, status_exception = false).body)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,13 +398,13 @@ end
@page("/", ui)
payload = String(HTTP.payload(HTTP.get("$port")))
@test match(r"<div id=\"test\" .*?div>", payload).match == p1
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/master/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/$version/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")

# route constant ParsedHTMLString
@page("/", ui())
payload = String(HTTP.payload(HTTP.get("$port")))
@test match(r"<div id=\"test\" .*?div>", payload).match == p1
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/master/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/$version/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")

# ----------------------------

Expand All @@ -414,13 +416,13 @@ end
@test match(r"<div id=\"test\" .*?div>", payload).match == p1
@test contains(payload, r"<a>test \d+</a>")

@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/master/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/$version/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")

# route constant Vector{ParsedHTMLString}
@page("/", ui())
payload = String(HTTP.payload(HTTP.get("$port")))
@test match(r"<div id=\"test\" .*?div>", payload).match == p1
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/master/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/$version/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")

# Supply a String instead of a ParsedHTMLString.
# As the '@' character is not correctly parsed, the match is expected to differ
Expand All @@ -430,14 +432,14 @@ end
@page("/", ui)
payload = String(HTTP.payload(HTTP.get("$port")))
@test match(r"<div id=\"test\" .*?div>", payload).match != p1
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/master/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/$version/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, r"<a>test \d+</a>")

# route constant String
@page("/", ui())
payload = String(HTTP.payload(HTTP.get("$port")))
@test match(r"<div id=\"test\" .*?div>", payload).match != p1
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/master/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, """<link href="/stipple.jl/$version/assets/css/stipplecore.css""")
@test contains(payload, r"<a>test \d+</a>")

Expand Down

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