Repo for collecting relevant technologies for Statistics Norway's techology radar. As for now we are utilizing Thoughtworks in-built radar to visualize our techs based on a .csv file provided in this repo. You can add new technologies to the csv file, just follow the guidelines provided below.
name = Can be anything
ring = 'Ta i bruk', 'Prøv ut', 'Vurder', 'Avvent'
quadrant = 'Datainnsamling - lagring', 'Klargjøring', 'Analyse - formidling', 'Utvikling - infrastruktur'
isNew = TRUE or FALSE
description = A text string inclosed in "". HTML tags are allowed.
After comitting to the csv file, go to: SSBs teknologiradar
In the future, we will probably move on to self-hosted BYOR (Bring Your Own Radar) provided here: BYOR.