Oracle Application Express Plugin - MBN Large Text
#MBN Large Text This plugin enables collapse/expand of large text columns in Interactive Reports. The end user will, by default, only see a small amount of text, but can choose to expand to see the full text in a column.
####1.0 - Initial Release ####1.1 - Added expand/collapse JavaScript functions.
- Import plugin file "dynamic_action_plugin_com_mbndata_plugin_large_text.sql" into your application
- (Optional) Deploy the JS files from "server" directory on your webserver and change the "File Prefix" to webservers folder.
##Plugin Settings The plugin settings are highly customizable and you can change:
- Width (px) - The maximum width of the text column when collapsed.
- Height (px) - The maximum height of the column when collapsed.
- Change the "HTML Expression" property for Interactive Reports Columns which should be collapsed (note: the tag MUST be a div)
<div class="large_text">#CALL_STACK#</div>
- Add a Dynamic Action to the page:
- Event = After Refresh
- Selection Type = region
- Region =
- Create a True action for the dynamic action
- Action = MBN Large Text
- Set the Width and Height
- Selection Type = jQuery Selector
- jQuery Selector = .large_text
- Fire On Page Load = True
To collapse or expand all, two JavaScript function are supplied:
Please use the same JQuery selector as specified in the plugin (as parameter to the JavaScript functions).
###Demo Application