is a Java utility class designed to facilitate reading, editing, and saving XML files. The class provides methods to read XML from a file or clipboard, edit specific elements based on their tags and values, and save the modified XML to a specified location.
XmlReaderUtility xmlUtility = new XmlReaderUtility();
String filePath = "path/to/your/xmlfile.xml";
Document document = xmlUtility.readXmlFromFile(filePath);
XmlReaderUtility xmlUtility = new XmlReaderUtility();
Document document = xmlUtility.readXmlFromClipboard();
String parentElementTag = "food";
String identifierTag = "name";
String identifierValue = "French Toast";
String targetElementTag = "price";
String newValue = "Free to people that really like french toast!";
xmlUtility.editXmlElementByName(document, parentElementTag, identifierTag, identifierValue, targetElementTag, newValue);
String outputPath = "path/to/save/modified.xml";
xmlUtility.saveXml(document, outputPath);
Reads an XML file from the specified file path and returns a Document object.
Reads XML content from an input stream and returns a Document object.
Reads XML content from the system clipboard and returns a Document object.
void editXmlElementByName(Document document, String parentElementTag, String identifierTag, String identifierValue, String targetElementTag, String newValue)
Edits a specific element within the XML document based on the parent element tag, identifier tag, and value, and updates the specified target element's value.
Saves the XML document to a specified file path.
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class XmlEditorTest {
private XmlReaderUtility xmlUtility = new XmlReaderUtility();
private String outputDirectory = "output";
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Ensure the output directory exists
Path outputDir = Paths.get(outputDirectory);
if (!Files.exists(outputDir)) {
private void testXmlEditing(String inputFilePath, String parentElementTag, String identifierTag, String identifierValue, String targetElementTag, String newValue, String outputFilePath) throws Exception {
// Get the input stream from the resources folder
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(inputFilePath);
assertNotNull("Input stream should not be null", inputStream);
// Parse the input stream into a Document
Document document = xmlUtility.readXmlFromInputStream(inputStream);
assertNotNull("Document should be read from file", document);
// Edit the document
xmlUtility.editXmlElementByName(document, parentElementTag, identifierTag, identifierValue, targetElementTag, newValue);
// Save the modified document to the writable directory
xmlUtility.saveXml(document, outputFilePath);
public void testReadFromFileAndEdit() throws Exception {
"French Toast",
"Free to people that really like french toast!",
outputDirectory + "/breakfast_menu_output.xml"
public void testEditCDCatalog() throws Exception {
"Greatest Hits",
"The price is too damn high!",
outputDirectory + "/cd_catalog_output.xml"
public void testEditPlantCatalog() throws Exception {
"This should actually be a number but it's not",
outputDirectory + "/plant_catalog_output.xml"
- Place the XML files to be edited in the src/main/resources directory.
- The modified XML files will be saved in the output directory.
- This README.md provides a concise overview of how to use the XmlReaderUtility class, including example usage in a test class