My name is Garreth and I am the author of this framework. This framework was written in Java, and it's built on top of the TestNG testing framework. The reason for choosing Java and TestNG is rather a simple one. The abundance of information and resources on the internet makes it an easy choice. Pairing selenium with TestNG and Java not only makes sense from an information resource point of view but also from an integration POV. Maven integrates really well with the most popular CI/CD tools out there like GitLab/GitHub/Jenkins/Travis and AzureDevops.
The framework is broken down into 5 core components:
The Base Package. This holds all the API methods used for testing. These can live in another class and be split up into multiple different classes but generally, this is where all the reusable methods reside.
The Driver class is the core of the framework. This is where all the selenium methods reside and where we choose what browser we want to test against. Without this class, there is no framework.
The Configuration package. This package links the tests to Jenkins as well as handles a few things like getting the environment as well as receiving Jenkins parameters if used. In this package, we set Enums for users and URLs that we can switch dynamically while testing. We can add Enums for many things but for now URLs and Users work perfectly.
PageObjects Package. This package holds the page object classes of the system being tested. A page object can be anything such as an Xpath, CSS Selector, ID, Name, TagName, LInkText, etc. This way if we test any system, 2 weeks to 2 years down the line they update the frontend, the user only needs to update the pageObjects in a single place, and it will update across all the tests.
The test package. This package houses the classes of the actual test cases. The structure from Test case to automation is as follows:
Epic = The Package name of the area being tested.
Scenario = The class name.
@Test annotation within a class = the test cases linked to the scenario being tested.
*Java jdk-1.8 or higher
*Apache Maven 3 or higher
*Please refer for any help in Maven.
To build the test on a local machine do the following:
- Clone the project
- Open the project in a Java-enabled IDE
- Right-click on the .xml of choice to run and click execute.
- Results will be printed out in the ExtentReports folder.
Via Windows command line run the following commands:
mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=TestNG_Runner_All.xml
To run different packs like UI or API or both, substitute the suiteXmlFile. i.e
TestNG_Runner_API.xml - for just the APIs.
TestNG_Runner_UI.xml - for just the UI tests.
TestNG_Runner_All.xml - for all tests.
Many combinations can be set to run smoke packs, regression packs, different browsers, environments, etc.
Generally, I like to take the approach that if the most impactful parts of the system is automated then the client or Product owner will gain confidence around automation and testing in general. Thus, I do feel that it's extremely important to showcase the CRUD of any application. The CRUD refers to Create Edit and delete. I based all my testing in this project around CRUD.
For API tests:
Everything about your pet - Scenario
- Add a pet to the pet store - Testcase 1
- Edit existing pet to the pet store - Testcase 2
- Delete pet from the pet store - Testcase 3
Petstore Orders - Scenario
- Place an order - Testcase 1
- Look up and order - Testcase 2
- Delete an order - Testcase 3
User Operations - Scenario
- Create a user - Testcase 1
- Edit a user - Testcase 2
- Delete a user - Testcase 3