The aim of this project is to generate some samples on an fpga and output them through an I2S DAC - No idea how far this'll go but likely not very
- java
- sbt
- fusesoc
- vivado
- probably something else!
As much HDL as possible is written in Chisel and this is compiled down to system verilog with sbt. sbt is invoked through the fusesoc build system.
- pynq-z2
Supporting further boards is rather trivial. Simply add your board to the synth.core file and give it a fileset dependency for its constraints file (xdc for vivado, pdc for quartus - eww)
This project depends on fusesoc-generators And so upon cloning the library needs to be added with the following
fusesoc library add fusesoc_utils_generators
To target the pynq-z2 board run:
fusesoc run --target=pynq-z2 --tool=vivado ligallag:proj:synth:0.0.1
This will generate a .bit file that can be flashed to the through your vendor. tool.
Right now, this will only blink an LED on the FPGA - who'd have thought it'd be so hard!