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542 lines (378 loc) · 23.1 KB


Download sources

To obtain the most recent complete version, clone the GitHub repository

git clone

or, alternatively, download and unpack the AUGUSTUS source package with

tar -xzf augustus.current.tar.gz

Install dependencies

  • Dependencies

    The following dependencies are required for AUGUSTUS:

    • for gzip compressed input: (set ZIPINPUT = false in if this feature is not required or the required libraries are not available)
      • libboost-iostreams-dev
      • zlib1g-dev
    • for comparative AUGUSTUS (multi-species, CGP): (set COMPGENEPRED = false in if the libraries required by the CGP version are not available. Augustus can then only be run in single-genome mode, which is what most users need.)
      • libgsl-dev
      • libboost-all-dev
      • libsuitesparse-dev
      • liblpsolve55-dev
      • libsqlite3-dev (add SQLITE = false to if this feature is not required or the required library is not available)
      • libmysql++-dev (add MYSQL = false to if this feature is not required or the required library is not available)
    • for compiling utilities bam2hints and filterBam:
      • libbamtools-dev zlib1g-dev
    • for compiling utility utrrnaseq:
      • libboost-all-dev (version must be >Boost_1_49_0)
    • for compiling utility bam2wig:
      • Follow these instructions. Note that it shouldn't be a problem to compile AUGUSTUS without bam2wig. In practice, you can simply use to accomplish the same task.
    • For compiling homgenemapping (set BOOST = FALSE in auxprogs/homgenemapping/src/Makefile if the option --printHomologs is not required or the required libraries are not available)
      • libboost-all-dev
    • for scripts:
      • Perl
      • Python3
    • for the python3 script
      • twoBitInfo and faToTwoBit from . will automatically download these tools to the working directory during execution if they are not in your $PATH.
      • SAMtools (available e.g. via package managers or here - see notes below)
  • Install dependencies

    • as root use your package manager to install the desired dependencies

      apt-get update
      apt-get install build-essential wget git autoconf
      # Install dependencies for AUGUSTUS comparative gene prediction mode (CGP)
      apt-get install libgsl-dev libboost-all-dev libsuitesparse-dev liblpsolve55-dev
      apt-get install libsqlite3-dev libmysql++-dev
      # Install dependencies for the optional support of gzip compressed input files
      apt-get install libboost-iostreams-dev zlib1g-dev
      # Install dependencies for bam2hints and filterBam
      apt-get install libbamtools-dev zlib1g-dev
      # Install additional dependencies for bam2wig
      apt-get install samtools libhts-dev
      # Install additional dependencies for homGeneMapping and utrrnaseq
      apt-get install libboost-all-dev
      # Install additional dependencies for scripts
      apt-get install cdbfasta diamond-aligner libfile-which-perl libparallel-forkmanager-perl libyaml-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
      apt-get install --no-install-recommends python3-biopython
    • as a non-root user you can either

      • download package archives for the dependencies and install them into a specified directory (for an example see here: Troubleshooting/MySQL )

      • or install the dependencies from source

        in both cases, you need to set the appropriate include and library paths, e.g. in (see here: Troubleshooting ).

Compile from sources

Once all dependencies are available, you can compile AUGUSTUS using make.

make augustus

After compilation has finished, the command bin/augustus should be executable and print a usage message.

For AUGUSTUS and utilities use



The proposed solutions have been tested with Ubuntu 20.04. For other systems/architectures, the paths and commands given may have to be adapted.
With root rights, you can install the libraries in the default folders. To do this, please remove the prefix argument in the configure, cmake and bootstrap commands and INSTALL from the make call.

zlib - library for compression methods

  • possible error messages

      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
      /usr/bin/ld: genbank.o: in function boost::detail::sp_counted_impl_p<boost::iostreams::symmetric_filter ... ... undefined reference to boost::iostreams::detail::zlib_base::reset(bool, bool)'
  • solutions

    • switch off zlib usage by setting ZIPINPUT = false in and do not make utility programs bam2wig, bam2hints and filterBam
    • or install package apt-get install zlib1g-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute

          mkdir -p /your/path/to/zlib/zlib_build
          cd /your/path/to/zlib/zlib_build
          wget -O zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
          tar xzf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
          cd /your/path/to/zlib/zlib_build/zlib-1.2.11
          ./configure --prefix=/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install
          make install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_ZLIB := -I/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/include
          LIBRARY_PATH_ZLIB := -L/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib
      • check: the missing file should be here


Boost - C++ libraries

  • possible error messages

      ../include/types.hh:16:10: fatal error: boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp: No such file or directory
      ../include/genome.hh:24:10: fatal error: boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_iostreams
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_serialization
  • solutions

    • switch off boost usage by setting BOOST = false, COMPGENEPRED = false and ZIPINPUT = false in do not make utility program utrrnaseq
    • or install package apt-get install libboost-all-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute (don't set ZLIB variables if zlib is installed on standard locations)

          mkdir -p /your/path/to/boost/boost_build
          cd /your/path/to/boost/boost_build
          wget -O boost_1_76_0.tar.gz
          tar xzf boost_1_76_0.tar.gz
          cd /your/path/to/boost/boost_build/boost_1_76_0
          export ZLIB_INCLUDE=/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/include
          export ZLIB_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib
          ./ --prefix=/your/path/to/boost/boost_install --with-libraries=all
          ./b2 install --prefix=/your/path/to/boost/boost_install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_BOOST := -I/your/path/to/boost/boost_install/include
          LIBRARY_PATH_BOOST := -L/your/path/to/boost/boost_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/boost/boost_install/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here

  • possible error messages

      ../include/randseqaccess.hh:21:10: fatal error: mysql++/mysql++.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlpp
  • solutions

    • switch off MySQL usage by setting MYSQL = false in

    • or install package apt-get install libmysql++-dev

    • or as non-root user install package archives into a specified directory (beware of further recursive dependencies at link and runtime)

      • execute (replace the archives mentioned here with the ones necessary for your system/architecture)

          mkdir /your/path/to/mysql
          cd /your/path/to/mysql
          # libmysql++3v5:
          wget        libmysql++3v5_3.2.5-1build1_amd64.deb
          dpkg-deb -x libmysql++3v5_3.2.5-1build1_amd64.deb /your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install
          # libmysql++-dev:
          wget        libmysql++-dev_3.2.5-1build1_amd64.deb
          dpkg-deb -x libmysql++-dev_3.2.5-1build1_amd64.deb /your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install
          # libmysqlclient21:
          wget        libmysqlclient21_8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_amd64.deb
          dpkg-deb -x libmysqlclient21_8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_amd64.deb /your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install
          # libmysqlclient-dev:
          wget        libmysqlclient-dev_8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_amd64.deb
          dpkg-deb -x libmysqlclient-dev_8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1_amd64.deb /your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_MYSQL := -I/your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install/usr/include -I/your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install/usr/include/mysql
          LIBRARY_PATH_MYSQL := -L/your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/mysql/mysql_install/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
      • check: the missing files should be here

    • installation from source code is quite time-consuming and requires many architecture-specific dependencies and is therefore not listed here

  • possible error messages

      ../include/sqliteDB.hh:13:10: fatal error: sqlite3.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsqlite3
  • solutions

    • switch off SQLite usage by setting SQLITE = false in
    • or install package apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute

          mkdir -p /your/path/to/sqlite3
          cd /your/path/to/sqlite3
          wget sqlite-autoconf-3350500.tar.gz
          tar zxf sqlite-autoconf-3350500.tar.gz
          cd /your/path/to/sqlite3/sqlite-autoconf-3350500
          ./configure --prefix=/your/path/to/sqlite3/sqlite3_install
          make install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_SQLITE := -I/your/path/to/sqlite3/sqlite3_install/include
          LIBRARY_PATH_SQLITE := -L/your/path/to/sqlite3/sqlite3_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/sqlite3/sqlite3_install/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here


GSL - GNU Scientific Library

  • possible error messages

      parser/../../include/contTimeMC.hh:18:10: fatal error: gsl/gsl_matrix.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgsl
  • solutions

    • switch off gsl usage by setting COMPGENEPRED = false in
    • or install package apt-get install libgsl-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute

          mkdir /your/path/to/gsl
          cd /your/path/to/gsl
          wget gsl-latest.tar.gz
          tar zxf gsl-latest.tar.gz
          cd /your/path/to/gsl/gsl-2.6/
          ./configure --prefix=/your/path/to/gsl/gsl_install
          make install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_GSL := -I/your/path/to/gsl/gsl_install/include
          LIBRARY_PATH_GSL := -L/your/path/to/gsl/gsl_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/gsl/gsl_install/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here


lp_solve - Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver

  • possible error messages fatal error: lp_lib.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llpsolve55
  • solutions

    • switch off lp_solve usage by setting COMPGENEPRED = false in
    • or install package apt-get install liblpsolve55-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute

          mkdir /your/path/to/lpsolve
          cd /your/path/to/lpsolve
          wget -O lp_solve_5.5.2.11_source.tar.gz
          tar zxf lp_solve_5.5.2.11_source.tar.gz
          cd /your/path/to/lpsolve/lp_solve_5.5
          chmod +x ./lpsolve55/ccc ./lp_solve/ccc
          cd /your/path/to/lpsolve/lp_solve_5.5/lpsolve55
          cd /your/path/to/lpsolve/lp_solve_5.5/lp_solve
          mkdir -p /your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/include
          cp /your/path/to/lpsolve/lp_solve_5.5/*.h /your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/include/
          mkdir -p /your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/lib
          cp /your/path/to/lpsolve/lp_solve_5.5/lpsolve55/bin/ux64/liblpsolve55.* /your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/lib/
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_LPSOLVE := -I/your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/include
          LIBRARY_PATH_LPSOLVE := -L/your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/lpsolve/lpsolve_install/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here


SuiteSparse - A Suite of Sparse matrix software

  • possible error messages

      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcolamd
  • solutions

    • switch off SuiteSparse usage by setting COMPGENEPRED = false in
    • or install package apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute

          git clone /your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse
          cd /your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse/SuiteSparse_config
          make install INSTALL=/your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse_install
          cd /your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse/COLAMD
          make install INSTALL=/your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse_install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_SUITESPARSE := -I/your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse_install/include
          LIBRARY_PATH_SUITESPARSE := -L/your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/suitesparse/suitesparse_install/lib
      • check: the missing file should be here


Bamtools - handling BAM files

  • possible error messages fatal error: api/BamReader.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbamtools
  • solutions

    • do not make utility programs bam2hints and filterBam
    • or install package apt-get install libbamtools-dev
    • or install from source
      • cmake or cmake3 must be installed (use the installed one in next steps)

             apt-get install cmake

        (or see

      • download sources

          git clone /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools

        or alternatively download the zipped version from and unpack:

          mkdir -p /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools
          unzip -d /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools
          mv /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools/pezmaster31-bamtools-2391b1a/* /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools/
      • execute (don't set ZLIB variables if zlib is installed on standard locations)

          mkdir -p /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools_build
          cd /your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools_build
          cmake \
            -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools_install \
            -DZLIB_LIBRARY=/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib/ \
            -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/include \
          make install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_BAMTOOLS := -I/your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools_install/include/bamtools
          LIBRARY_PATH_BAMTOOLS := -L/your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/bamtools/bamtools_install_dir/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here


HTSlib - accessing common file formats, such as SAM, CRAM and VCF

  • possible error messages

      bam2wig.c:12:10: fatal error: bgzf.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lhts
  • solutions

    • do not make utility program bam2wig
    • or install packages apt-get install samtools libhts-dev
    • or install from source
      • execute (don't set ZLIB variables if zlib is installed on standard locations, set variables for bz2 and lzma if available and used or don't set the disable options if bz2 and lzma are installed on standard locations)

          git clone /your/path/to/htslib/htslib_build
          cd /your/path/to/htslib/htslib_build
          git submodule update --init --recursive
          autoreconf -i
          ./configure --prefix=/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install \
            CPPFLAGS=-I/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/include \
            LDFLAGS=-L/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib \
            --disable-bz2 \
          make install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_HTSLIB   := -I/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install/include/htslib
          LIBRARY_PATH_HTSLIB   := -L/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here


Test failures

  • possible error messages

      samtools: not found
  • solutions

    • install package apt-get install samtools
    • or install from source
      • execute (don't set ZLIB and htslib variables and flags if both are installed on standard locations, remove the --without-curses if this library is installed on standard locations)

          git clone /your/path/to/samtools/samtools_build
          cd /your/path/to/samtools/samtools_build
          autoconf -Wno-syntax
          ./configure \
            --prefix=/your/path/to/samtools/samtools_install \
            --with-htslib=/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install \
            --without-curses \
            CPPFLAGS=-I/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/include \
            LDFLAGS="-L/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib -L/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install/lib -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/htslib/htslib_install/lib"
          make install
      • change PATH in your shell

          export PATH="$PATH:/your/path/to/samtools/samtools_install/bin/"

HAL - Hierarchical Alignment (HAL) Format API

  • possible error messages

      halLiftover is not executable
  • solution

    • install from source
      • install package apt-get install libhdf5-dev

      • execute (don't set ZLIB variables if zlib is installed on standard locations)

          # install hdf5 from source if libhdf5-dev is not installed:
          mkdir -p /your/path/to/hdf5/hdf5_build
          cd /your/path/to/hdf5/hdf5_build
          tar xzf hdf5-1.10.1.tar.gz
          cd /your/path/to/hdf5/hdf5_build/hdf5-1.10.1
          ./configure --enable-cxx --prefix=/your/path/to/hdf5/hdf5_install \
          make install
          export PATH="$PATH:/your/path/to/hdf5/hdf5_install/bin"
          # install sonLib
          git clone /your/path/to/sonLib
          cd /your/path/to/sonLib
          export CPPFLAGS="-I/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/include -L/your/path/to/zlib/zlib_install/lib"
          unset CPPFLAGS
          # install hal
          git clone /your/path/to/hal
          cd /your/path/to/hal
          export RANLIB=ranlib
      • change PATH in your shell

          export PATH="$PATH:/your/path/to/hdf5/hdf5_install/bin"
          export PATH="$PATH:/your/path/to/hal/bin/"

SeqLib - handling BAM files

  • possible error messages

      ./headers/bamseqlibaccess.hh:8:10: fatal error: SeqLib/BamRecord.h: No such file or directory
      /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lseqlib
  • solutions

    • do not make utility program filterBam
    • use Bamtools instead of SeqLib for processing BAM files in filterBam
    • or install package apt-get install libseqlib-dev (and maybe also necessary apt-get install libssw-dev libjsoncpp-dev)
    • or install from source
      • install dependencies to zlib, bz2 and lzma

        apt-get install zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev libbz2-dev

      • download sources

          git clone --recursive /your/path/to/SeqLib
      • execute

          cd /your/path/to/SeqLib
          make install
      • add to

          INCLUDE_PATH_SEQLIB := -I/your/path/to/SeqLib -I/your/path/to/SeqLib/htslib
          LIBRARY_PATH_SEQLIB := -L/your/path/to/SeqLib/lib  -Wl,-rpath,/your/path/to/SeqLib/lib
      • check: the missing files should be here
