This project pick up my experience with Spring Batch and try to teach with generic examples the solutions that I had to apply in my proyects.
Sometimes this solutions are good decisions and tecnical implementantios and sometimes this solutions are valid workarround that I got to do.
In general this project is a set of Probe of Concepts
- GsmHelloBatch: this proyect is a simple Spring Batch example. For implement this example I followed this Spring IO Guide. This is the Java Hello World equivalente.
- GsmHelloMultipleDataSourceBatch: this proyect is a example of a proyect that need two datasources... one for Spring Batch and otherone for business logic
- GsmHelloAspectBatch: this is an example of logging your application with aspects
- GsmHelloRestBatch: a tipical example of RestService that execute a SpringBatch's job