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Running a binary inspiral

Tamara edited this page Jan 8, 2025 · 8 revisions

After running a binary BS head-on collision, you may find it interesting to consider something a little bit more complicated, like an inspiralling systems of two equal-mass boson stars. In the repository we provide an example of the parameter file params_inspiral.txt for such a configuration, where the initial velocities have been calibrated as to achieve low eccentricity, so the binary follows quasi-circular orbits. The binary completes around 15 orbits before merging and forming a black hole remnant post-merger.

Note that here we set up a larger grid with L=1024, which is especially important for gravitational-wave extraction and making sure that the binary domain is sufficiently far from the extraction zone.

Below we attach a similar figure to the previous example, showing rescaled stars' $x$-positions, the maximum of the scalar field amplitude and the mass of the black hole that is formed after merger.


Additionally, we plot the real part of the (22)-mode of the gravitational wave signal resulting from this run:
