GG Games is a project that let users search for games to play.
By clicking on a game, the user can see detailed information about it.
The data is being fetched from the following API: MMO Bomb
You'll need an API key for the requests. If you don't have one, go to Rapid API, create your account and get it.
On the project root, there is a file named .env.example
. Rename it to .env.local
and add your key after =
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd gg-games
Install dependencies
npm install
# or
Start the project (dev)
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Start the project (prod)
npm run build
# or
yarn build
npm run start
# or
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 on your browser to see the project.
- NextJS
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- Styled-components
- Axios
- React-icons