The purpose of this module is to execute queries in BigQuery using Terraform.
This can be useful for running stored procedures during the apply phase, or to dynamically generate the BigQuery schema basing on values from some tables.
Usage example:
# setup appropriate credentials
data "google_service_account" "impersonatee" {
account_id = "[email protected]"
resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "impersonatee-iam" {
service_account_id =
role = "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"
member = "[email protected]"
# obtain access token with appropriate scopes
data "google_service_account_access_token" "impersonatee" {
target_service_account =
scopes = [
# perform query
module "bq_users" {
source = "git::"
project_id = var.project_id
location = var.location
access_token = data.google_service_account_access_token.impersonatee.access_token
query = "SELECT users from datasets.users"
output "debug" {
value = module.bq_proxy.result