This Redmine plugin allows importing issues and time_entries in bulk from csv files. Fields will default to name-based mapping but can be overridden at the confirmation screen. Existing issues can be updated, and issue relationships and custom fields are supported. The database is used for intermediate storage.
- Redmine 3.0.0 (Rails 4.x)
- csv gem (class already defined since ruby 1.9.3)
- tempfile gem (class already defined since ruby 1.9.3)
- iconv gem (deprecated since Ruby 1.9.3)
To install:
- Install gems if not present in your Gemfile by adding these lines at the end of your Gemfile :
gem "iconv"
Then run :
bundle install
If you can't install iconv because it can't build native extensions make sure you've installed all packages required. If not, take a look at this page (This is a recurrent problem. Same issue with nokogiri gem and iconv gem)
Example with Centos 5.11:
yum install -y gcc ruby-devel zlib-devel
- Download the plugin to your vendors/plugins directory
- Rename the plugin folder to "redmine_csv_file_importer"
- Run 'bundle exec rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production'
- Restart your redmine as appropriate
To setup :
- Select a project and clic on "Configuration" → "Modules", then enable importer plugin.
- Set permissions according to your needs
- To import time entries, you need to define an issue customized field whose name must be "CSV-IMP-ID" and assign it to appropriates trackers. This customize field is used to bind issues with csv file.
Lines :
- One header row.
- One or more data rows.
Field separator : what you want !!
Field delimiter : what you want !!
Known encodings :
- UTF-8
- ISO8859-1 (latin1)
- ISO8859-15 (latin9)
User documentation for this part
Example :
Column 1 - Subject
Column 2 - Description
Column 3 - Assigned To
Column 4 - Fixed version
Column 5 - Author
Column 6 - Category
Column 7 - Priority
Column 8 - Status
Column 9 - Start date
Column 10 - Due date
Column 11 - Done Ratio
Column 12 - Estimated hours
Column 13 - Watchers
"Subject","Description","Assigned To","Fixed version","Author","Category","Priority","Status","Start date","Due date","Done Ratio","Estimated hours","Watchers"
"A subject","A description","admin","A target version","admin","Default","High","New",2011-05-01,2011-08-28,25,200,"test1,test2"
Here, the character , is the Field separator
Here, the character " is the Field delimiter
Example :
Column 1 - Issue id
Column 2 - Time Entry comment (optional)
Column 3 - Date spent on e.g. YYYY-MM-DD
Column 4 - Activity name
Column 5 - Number of hours
Column 6 - User login
You can add optional fields (make sure they'll be matched with the right field in the table).
"10555",A comment","An activity name",2015-08-27,8,admin,"other_value"
Here, the character , is the Field separator
Here, the character " is the Field delimiter
Some files were added to help you to understand how this plugin works. They are in the folder "Tests plugin import csv"
de, en, fr, ja, pt-BR, ru, zh localizations included.
This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT.txt and GPL.txt for details.
This plugin was created by merging two plugins :
- Redmine Issue Importer plugin ( which allows you to import issues from csv files. Compatible with Rails 4.x. It is an improvment of the plugin Redmine Issue Importer plugin (
- Redmine Csv File Importer plugin ( with which you can import issues and time entries from csv files for Rails 2.x It is a mix between the Redmine Issue Importer plugin ( and the Bulk Time Entry Plugin (, plus some minor improvements.
Thanks to their creator : Yoshidayo, Dany Poupard, Leo Hourtvitz and Eric Davis.