Talon daughterboard for Flight data logger. Designed to interface with Kestrel main board. This board is designed to provide data logger with support to interface with SDI-12 communication standard for environmental sensors.
General document and image storage for repo and README
Current board files (Eagle), Bill of Materials (BoM), and other design documents
Contains the various Gerber and pick and place files required to have the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) manufactured or populated
The software associated with the piece of hardware, this is usually diagnostic software used for verifying or investigating the hardware
- Type: Talon
- Interfaces: SDI-12
- Release Version: v1.4 - 2022/04/25
- SDI-12 ports (x3)
- Dedicated Apogee sensor port (x1)
- Supports SDI-12 communication and analog voltage input
- Supports Apogee pinout standard
- Port level current limit
- Custom designed automatic current limit
- support for current and voltage measurement for each port
- Data and power control for each port
- Loopback support to perform SDI-12 communication diagnostics
- EEPROM with UUID built in - can store additional values defined by firmware to track offsets, etc
- ESD protected inputs