this is just an example on how to setup a K8s cluster on @Scaleway via terraform.
It's not secured in any way and shouldn't been used in production!
Joe Beda outlined this approach in a PR.
I stumbled over this on twitter by a tweet from Steve Sloka
Setting up the K8s cluster requires a recent version of terraform (0.7.7 +)
Besides terraform you need a Scaleway account and export SCALEWAY_ACCESS_KEY
to your ENV.
$ python -c 'import random; print "%0x.%0x" % (random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(3*8), random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(8*8))'
$ terraform plan -var 'k8stoken=<k8stoken>'
$ terraform apply -var 'k8stoken=<k8stoken>'
Terraform will take ~10 minutes to finish. The setup includes the kubernetes-dashboard. You can access it like this:
$ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 root@<master_ip>
$ kubectl proxy
Now open http://localhost:8001/ui
inside your browser.
Terraform will setup a three node kubernetes cluster, consisting of one master and
two workers. All nodes will be VC1S
instance types, without additional storage.
- firewall rules to somehow secure this setup
- mixed setup of public & private nodes
- logging
- metric aggregation