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FusRoman edited this page Apr 13, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Fink Asteroids Tracker (FINK-FAT) wiki!


  • What is FINK-FAT ?

    • The FINK Asteroids Tracker (FAT) is a system hosted on the fink broker able to detect new asteroids trajectories with a linkage algorithm that running night by night.
  • What are FINK-FAT goals ?

    • FAT is developed to extend Fink capabilities to discover new asteroids in the Solar System System. It provide a set of trajectories that are updated each night according to the stream of incoming Solar System Candidates.
  • FINK-FAT implementation

    • FAT is implemented in python 3.9 mainly with the pandas package. It perform associations of alerts based on angular separation thank to Astropy search around sky function. The other hard requirements are the OrbFit software used for the computation of orbit candidates on the basis of the trajectories return by the associations steps.