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eugene.tolmachev committed Mar 24, 2016
1 parent bb7310a commit ed53b46
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Showing 14 changed files with 300 additions and 226 deletions.
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
FsShelter [![Windows Build](](
[![Mono/OSX build](](
FsShelter [![Windows Build](]( [![Mono/OSX build](](

A library for defining and running Apache Storm topologies in F# using statically typed streams.

Based on and a complete rewrite of [FsStorm]( with the goals of static typing, modularity and pluggable serialization.
Comes bundled with Json serialization, Thrift and Protobuf (Thrift and Protobuf require corresponding Storm multilang serializer implementations [Thriftshell]( or [Protoshell](
Comes bundled with Json serialization, Thrift and Protobuf (Thrift and Protobuf require corresponding Storm multilang serializer implementation [Thriftshell]( or [Protoshell](

See [docs][docs] for for an intro and an overview.

Join the conversation: [![Gitter](](TBD)

# Limitations
* At the moment FsShelter doesn't support direct emits.
* [STORM-1644]( Currently, when running on Windows, the process will run under cmd.exe incurring slight memory overhead.
* [STORM-1644]( Currently, when running on Windows, the process will run under cmd.exe incurring slight overhead.

# Building
On Windows, from the cloned root:
Expand All @@ -33,11 +32,11 @@ IDE: Install NUnit plugin for VS or MonoDevelop to see the unit-tests in Test Ex
# Submitting the topology
Have a local [Storm]( installed and running.
samples\Simple\bin\Release\Simple submit-local
samples\WordCount\bin\Release\WordCount submit-local
or, if running on Mono:
mono samples/Simple/bin/Release/Simple.exe submit-local
mono samples/WordCount/bin/Release/WordCount.exe submit-local

# Seeing the topology in action
Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion build.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -370,6 +370,24 @@ Target "WordCountSvg" (fun _ ->
|> ignore

Target "GuaranteedSvg" (fun _ ->
#if MONO
"/c "+
("samples" @@ "Guaranteed" @@ "bin" @@ "Release" @@ "Guaranteed.exe") +
" graph | dot -Tsvg -o " + build_out + "/Guaranteed.svg")
|> ignore

Target "ExportGraphs" DoNothing
<== ["Build";"WordCountSvg";"GuaranteedSvg"]

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run all targets by default. Invoke 'build <Target>' to override

Expand All @@ -388,7 +406,6 @@ Target "All" DoNothing
#if MONO
==> "GenerateSources"
=?> ("SourceLink", Pdbstr.tryFind().IsSome )
==> "NuGet"
Expand Down
86 changes: 0 additions & 86 deletions docs/content/custom.fsx

This file was deleted.

205 changes: 113 additions & 92 deletions docs/content/guaranteed.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,115 +1,136 @@
(*** hide ***)
// This block of code is omitted in the generated HTML documentation. Use
// it to define helpers that you do not want to show in the documentation.
#I "../../bin"
#I "../../build"
#r "FsShelter.dll"
#r "FsJson.dll"
#r "FsLogging.dll"

open FsJson
open Storm
open FsShelter
open System
open System.Collections.Generic

Defining reliable spouts
[Processing guarantees]( are the biggest selling point of Storm, please see the official docs for the details.
FsShelter implements reliability semantics with "housekeeper" functions: defaultHousekeeper can be used as is for transient sources or as an inspiration for reliability over external/persistent sources.
The spout implementation is fairly similar to the "unreliable" version, with the addition of unique (int64) tuple ID:
The reliable spout implementation for a source like peristent a queue (RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc) needs to obtain the event id from the source and forward Storm's acks and nacks back to the source.
The obtained Id has to be passed along with the tuple from the spout function:

// data schema for the topology, every case is a unqiue stream
type Schema =
| Original of int
| Even of int
| Odd of int

// numbers spout - produces messages
let numbers source =
async {
let! (tupleId,number) = source()
return Some(tupleId, Original (number))

// add 1 bolt - consumes and emits messages to either Even or Odd stream
let addOne (input,emit) =
async {
match input with
| Original x ->
match x % 2 with
| 1 -> Even (x+1)
| _ -> Odd (x+1)
| _ -> failwithf "unexpected input: %A" input
|> emit

// terminating bolt - consumes messages
let logResult (info,input) =
async {
match input with
| Even x
| Odd x -> info (sprintf "Got: %A" input)
| _ -> failwithf "unexpected input: %A" input

Here we mimic an external source and implement all three possible cases: produce a new message, retry a failed one (indefinetely) and ack a successfully processed.
let rnd = new System.Random() // used for generating random messages
open FsShelter.Topology

type QueueCmd =
| Get of AsyncReplyChannel<TupleId*int>
| Ack of TupleId
| Nack of TupleId

///cfg: the configution passed in by storm
///runner: a spout runner function (passed in from topology)
let spout runner (cfg:Configuration) =
// faking an external source here
let source =
let rnd = Random()
let count = ref 0L
//define the "next" function
//emit: a function that emits message to storm with unique ID
let next emit =
fun () -> async {
tuple [ rnd.Next(0, 100) ]
|> emit (Threading.Interlocked.Increment &count.contents)
//run the spout
next |> runner
let pending = Dictionary()

MailboxProcessor.Start (fun inbox ->
let rec loop nacked =
async {
let! cmd = inbox.Receive()
return! loop <| match cmd, nacked with
| Get rc, [] ->
let tupleId,number = string(Threading.Interlocked.Increment &count.contents), rnd.Next(0, 100)
| Get rc,(tupleId,number)::xs ->
rc.Reply (tupleId,number)
| Ack id, _ ->
pending.Remove id |> ignore
| Nack id, _ ->
loop [])

Anchoring and named streams
FsShelter has helper functions to emit to a named stream or to anchor a tuple:
In order to provide processing guarantees Storm needs to construct and track the state of entire "tuple tree", which is built out by emitting "anchored" tuples.
FsShelter implements anchoring statically: instead of ad-hoc, as determined by a component, it is a property of the stream _leading to_ an emit.
Consequently the implementation of emit (anchored/unanchored) is determined by the topology graph and completely transparent to the bolt that processes a tuple that will be used as an anchor.
///cfg: the configuration passed in from Storm
///runner: passed in from topology
///emit: passed in from topology
let addOneBolt runner emit cfg =
//define the consumer function
let add (msg : Json) =
async {
let x = msg?tuple.[0].ValI + 1
tuple [ x ]
// write to a named stream
|> namedStream (match x % 2 with | 0 -> "even" | _ -> "odd")
// anchor to ensure the entire tuple tree is processed before the spout is ack'ed
|> anchor msg // anchor to the original message
|> emit
//run the bolt
add |> runner

Example of parametrization and use of the tuple's origin (component that emitted it and the stream that it arrived on) inspection:
//define the storm topology
open FsShelter.DSL

///cfg: the configuration passed in by Storm
///runner: passed in from topology
///log: log write
let resultBolt runner log (cfg:Configuration) =
let desc = cfg.Json?conf?desc.Val // the value passed in with the submitted topology Config
//define the function that will return the consumer
let logResult (msg : Json) =
async {
log desc (sprintf "origin: %A(%A), data: %A" msg?comp.Val msg?stream.Val msg?tuple.[0].ValI)
//run the bolt
logResult |> runner
#nowarn "25" // for stream matching expressions
let sampleTopology = topology "Guaranteed" {
let s1 = numbers
|> runReliableSpout (fun log cfg () -> source.PostAndAsyncReply Get) // ignoring logging and cfg available
(fun _ -> Ack >> source.Post, Nack >> source.Post)
let b1 = addOne
|> runBolt (fun log cfg tuple emit -> (tuple,emit)) // pass incoming tuple and emit function
|> withParallelism 2

let b2 = logResult
|> runBolt (fun log cfg ->
let mylog = Common.Logging.asyncLog ("odd.log")
fun tuple emit -> (mylog,tuple))
|> withParallelism 1

Topology with named streams and config overrides
let b3 = logResult
|> runBolt (fun log cfg ->
let mylog = Common.Logging.asyncLog ("even.log")
fun tuple emit -> (mylog,tuple))
|> withParallelism 1

yield s1 ==> b1 |> shuffle.on Original // emit from s1 to b1 on Original stream and anchor immediately following emits to this tuple
yield b1 --> b2 |> shuffle.on Odd // anchored emit from b1 to b2 on Odd stream
yield b1 --> b3 |> shuffle.on Even // anchored emit from b1 to b2 on Even stream

Resulting topology graph:
open StormDSL

let topology =
{ TopologyName = "FstGuaranteed"
Spouts =
[ { Id = "ReliableSpout"
Outputs = [ Default [ "number" ] ]
Spout = Local { Func = spout (Storm.reliableSpoutRunner Storm.defaultHousekeeper) }
Config = jval [ "topology.max.spout.pending", jval 123 ] // override "backpressure"
Parallelism = 1 } ]
Bolts =
[ { Id = "AddOneBolt"
Outputs = [ Named("even", [ "number" ]) // named stream "even"
Named("odd", [ "number" ]) ]
Inputs = [ DefaultStream "ReliableSpout", Shuffle ]
Bolt = Local { Func = addOneBolt Storm.autoAckBoltRunner Storm.emit }
Config = JsonNull
Parallelism = 2 }
{ Id = "EvenResultBolt"
Outputs = []
Inputs = [ Stream("AddOneBolt","even"), Shuffle ]
Bolt = Local { Func = resultBolt Storm.autoAckBoltRunner }
Config = jval ["desc", "even"] // pass custom config property to the component
Parallelism = 1 }
{ Id = "OddResultBolt"
Outputs = []
Inputs = [ Stream("AddOneBolt","odd"), Shuffle ]
// logs to custom (FsLogging) pid-based log file
Bolt = Local { Func = resultBolt Storm.autoAckBoltRunner Logging.log }
Config = jval ["desc", "odd"] // pass custom config property to the component
Parallelism = 1 } ] }
![SVG](svg/Guaranteed.svg "Guaranteed (SVG)")
The solid lines represent "anchoring" streams and the dotted lines indicate the outer limits of the processing guarantees: a tuple emitted along a dotted line is only anchored if the line leading to it is solid.

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