Base repository for CS56 W16 lab04 (Open Source)
My javadoc is here:
- Use
ant -p
to see all available tasks - The grader tasks include these:
gradeMPV1 run MultiPictureViewer for studentName with arg 1 gradeMPV2 run MultiPictureViewer for studentName with arg 2 gradeMPV3 run MultiPictureViewer for studentName with arg 3 gradePV run simple.PictureViewer for student in studentName property gradeSimpleGui1 run simpleGui1 for student in studentName property
To run one of those tasks, overriding the student's CSIL id to jgaucho, use, for example:
ant -DstudentName=jgaucho gradePV
You can test this with studentName set to pconrad
, andrewberls
, or jstaahl
as examples. All of those should work on pconrad, though only the MPV tasks will work for the other two.