Golang library to manage password functions
We use these functions in several projects at Frontware to handle passwords.
The function retruns trye if the password is in the list of 1 million most used password. When a user signs up, you can use this function to make sure he is not providing a password that we can easily find in dicitonaries.
The function uses Bloomfilter to keep a low memory consumption.
The list of common passwords comes from https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists.
Get the list of million passwords here.
Returns a bcrypt hash of the password as a string. Never store a password, always store the bcrypt hash to later identify a user.
Returns a new random password.
It's never a good idea to let user set their own password. This functions generates a random password for your user.
If you use module just import github.com/frontware/pwd
in your code.
If you don't use go mod then you download the module:
go get github.com/frontware/pwd
package main
import (
func main() {
// Generate new password of 8 chars
pass := pwd.NewPassword(8)
// Get hash
hash, _ := pwd.HashPassword(pass)
fmt.Println("Password\t\t", pass)
fmt.Println("Hash\t\t\t", hash)
fmt.Println("Common passwords")
fmt.Println("Password fjdslkjflkd\t", pwd.IsCommon("fjdslkjflkd"))
fmt.Println("Password qwerty\t\t", pwd.IsCommon("qwerty"))
Password 5EZoCLds
Hash $2a$10$yoijtlT0xosZcTd.XWOLUe04zUiNrJj1TAZZSAxJC1zQX/lL.yrhG
Common password
Password fjdslkjflkd false
Password qwerty true
See the doc online
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