Status: Developing
- name
- description
- repetation num
- sequency num
- dificult category
- i know
- user_id
- image
Also that, has a User with this fields:
- name
- cpf
- birth
- active
- See the more recently movement created, using Cookie.
- Entire verification system to validate forms with personalized messages.
- Message of success when create a movement, using Session Flash.
- Profile User editable.
- Search for movements by name and/or dificulted category.
- Email verification.
PHP | Laravel | Composer | MySql |
6.* | 7.4 | 2.0 | 8.0 |
- run shell: composer install
- run shell: php artisan key:generate
- create new Schema MySql
- create file .env (can copy from .env.example)
- configure your database variables in .env
- run shell: php artisan migrate
- run shell: php artisan serve
- create free account in mailtrap
- into of mailtrap site, go to My Inbox
- go to SMT settigns
- choice Laravel option in Integrations
- copy and past in your .env