This allows you to record keyboard and mouse input, and play it back (with looping) using pynput. It allows for automation of any repetitive computer tasks.
- Clone or download this repository
- Navigate to the repository in cmd or terminal
- Run pip install -r requirements.txt
- Simply run the '' file with Python3 using one input argument -> "name_of_recording". Whatever you do thereafter will be recorded.
- To end the recording click the escape key (to end the Keyboard thread), and use the scroll on the mouse (to end the Mouse thread).
- To play back the recording, run the '' file with Python3 using two input arguments -> "name_of_recording" 'number_of_repeats'.
If you want to kill the play-back early, you can trigger a KeyboardInterrupt by clicking into the terminal window and pressing 'ctrl c' - although you'll have to do this while the automation is running.
- The data file takes in mouse movements every 50th of a second when holding down the left click on the mouse (dragging). If you aren't dragging a lot then you can run a relatively lengthy automation without creating a huge data file, however, if you're dragging a lot, keep the recording relatively short, as the data file will quickly fill up with mouse-movement JSON data.
*Scrolling is not supported, as it is used to halt the Mouse listener. This may be adjusted later to support scrolling.
This is Mac compatiable – as I haven't been able to find others out there that are.
George Jensen If you found this tool useful please give this repo a star!