This is just a small game app built to show an example of a Ionic 2 mobile app.
The game is pretty simple. 10 words are given. For each word you have 30 seconds to write a word that rhymes with it. At the end it will be shown the total points you have made.
Before starting the game you will have to choose between 4 different levels: Easy - Medium - Hard - Random.
For the level Random it will be taken a word with a Get request to the Wordnik API.
For the levels Easy - Medium - Hard there are pre-populated array with around 1k words. These array are pre-populated in this way: A loop that make a Get request for a random word to the Wordnik API. For each word a request is made to the Datamuse API to check the total amount of possible rhymes for the given word.
- 100+ possible rhymes: insert in the Easy array
- 40 - 100 possible rhymes: insert in the Medium array
- 10 - 40 possible rhymes: insert in the Hard array
There is one main component: the Home component.
From this component is possible to access two modals: InfoModal and GameModal.
All the Get requests (local and remote) are handled by the ApiProvider.
It's a rather small app. Yet it gave the possibility to handle several topics:
- Basic navigation - passing data to other components
- Use of services to deal with API or local requests and return a Promise
- Modals - Info and Game modals
- Animations - On the home element to make them fade in at the beginning and on the levels buttons
- Validation - The word inserted is required and must be a word (regex validation)
- Basic use of theming
- Css animation - the countdown clock
- Conditional class (active class on level buttons)
- Conditional style (on the countdown clock animation)
- Use of ion-spinner - before the random word is ready from the API
- Use of timeout - to remove error or success message after 3 seconds
- Basic game logic - handling seconds, words, points, levels
- Basic app styling - custom css to give some nice flat design
Here is a plunker of the app:
Note: for simplicity sake the style has been put all in one file: app.css and has been slightly modified for the plunker.
Use Github as code reference.