Open (and set) the alternative file for the current buffer with fewest keystrokes possible.
I love harpoon, it gives me speed and sanity. However, I found myself harpooning similar files.
What I mean with similar files? bugless_code.c
and bugless_code.h
or vscode_bad.go
and vscode_bad_test.go
This plugin duh.
When I want to jump to the other file I use require("other").open()
. If I have already registered the other file then it opens it and I can toggle
between the two using the same command, if not, then a fuzzy finder will open for me to pick a file.
The state is stored on disk similarly to harpoon so you set the other file once and forget it.
This plugin does not try to be smart and guess the alternative file, and I think it's better this way.
-- this is required
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space>o", require("other").open, {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
desc = "open other file"
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space><space>o", require("other").clear, {
noremap = true,
silent = true,
desc = "clear other file"