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iehality committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent a2e865d commit 980a0ce
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Showing 3 changed files with 318 additions and 4 deletions.
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions Logic/Propositional/Basic/Calculus.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import Logic.Propositional.Basic.Formula
import Logic.Logic.System

namespace LO

namespace Propositional

variable {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α]

abbrev Sequent (α : Type*) := Finset (Formula α)

inductive DerivationCR (P : Formula α → Prop) : Sequent α → Type _
| axL : ∀ (Δ : Sequent α) (a : α),
Formula.atom a ∈ Δ → Formula.natom a ∈ Δ → DerivationCR P Δ
| verum : ∀ (Δ : Sequent α), ⊤ ∈ Δ → DerivationCR P Δ
| or : ∀ (Δ : Sequent α) (p q : Formula α),
DerivationCR P (insert p $ insert q Δ) → DerivationCR P (insert (p ⋎ q) Δ)
| and : ∀ (Δ : Sequent α) (p q : Formula α),
DerivationCR P (insert p Δ) → DerivationCR P (insert q Δ) → DerivationCR P (insert (p ⋏ q) Δ)
| cut : ∀ (Δ Γ : Sequent α) (p : Formula α), P p →
DerivationCR P (insert p Δ) → DerivationCR P (insert (~p) Γ) → DerivationCR P (Δ ∪ Γ)

scoped notation :45 "⊢ᴾᶜ[" P "] " Γ:45 => DerivationCR P Γ

abbrev Derivation : Sequent α → Type _ := DerivationCR (fun _ => False)

scoped prefix:45 "⊢ᴾᵀ " => Derivation

abbrev DerivationC : Sequent α → Type _ := DerivationCR (fun _ => True)

scoped prefix:45 "⊢ᴾᶜ " => DerivationC

abbrev DerivationClx (c : ℕ) : Sequent α → Type _ := DerivationCR (·.complexity < c)

scoped notation :45 "⊢ᴾᶜ[< " c "] " Γ:45 => DerivationClx c Γ

namespace DerivationCR

variable {P : Formula α → Prop} {Δ Δ₁ Δ₂ Γ : Sequent α}

def length : {Δ : Sequent α} → DerivationCR P Δ → ℕ
| _, axL _ _ _ _ => 0
| _, verum Δ _ => 0
| _, or _ _ _ d => d.length.succ
| _, and _ _ _ dp dq => (max dp.length dq.length).succ
| _, cut _ _ _ _ dp dn => (max dp.length dn.length).succ


@[simp] lemma length_axL {a : α} (hpos : Formula.atom a ∈ Δ) (hneg : Formula.natom a ∈ Δ) :
(axL (P := P) Δ a hpos hneg).length = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma length_verum (h : ⊤ ∈ Δ) : (verum (P := P) Δ h).length = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma length_and {p q} (dp : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert p Δ) (dq : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert q Δ) : (and Δ p q dp dq).length = (max dp.length dq.length).succ := rfl

@[simp] lemma length_or {p q} (d : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] (insert p $ insert q Δ)) : (or Δ p q d).length = d.length.succ := rfl

@[simp] lemma length_cut {p} (hp : P p) (dp : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert p Δ) (dn : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert (~p) Γ) :
(cut _ _ p hp dp dn).length = (max dp.length dn.length).succ := rfl


protected def cast (d : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ) (e : Δ = Γ) : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Γ := cast (by simp[HasVdash.vdash, e]) d

@[simp] lemma length_cast (d : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ) (e : Δ = Γ) : (d.cast e).length = d.length := by
rcases e with rfl; simp[DerivationCR.cast]

def weakening : ∀ {Δ}, ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ → ∀ {Γ : Sequent α}, Δ ⊆ Γ → ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Γ
| _, axL Δ a hrel hnrel, Γ, h => axL Γ a (h hrel) (h hnrel)
| _, verum Δ htop, Γ, h => verum Γ (h htop)
| _, or Δ p q d, Γ, h =>
have : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] (insert p $ insert q Γ) :=
weakening d (Finset.insert_subset_insert p $ Finset.insert_subset_insert q ( h).2)
have : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert (p ⋎ q) Γ := or Γ p q this
this.cast (by simp; exact ( h).1)
| _, and Δ p q dp dq, Γ, h =>
have dp : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert p Γ := dp.weakening (Finset.insert_subset_insert p ( h).2)
have dq : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert q Γ := dq.weakening (Finset.insert_subset_insert q ( h).2)
have : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert (p ⋏ q) Γ := and Γ p q dp dq
this.cast (by simp; exact ( h).1)
| _, cut Δ₁ Δ₂ p hp d₁ d₂, Γ, h =>
have d₁ : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert p Γ := d₁.weakening (Finset.insert_subset_insert _ (Finset.union_subset_left h))
have d₂ : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert (~p) Γ := d₂.weakening (Finset.insert_subset_insert _ (Finset.union_subset_right h))
(cut Γ Γ p hp d₁ d₂).cast (by simp)

@[simp] lemma length_weakening {Δ} (d : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ) {Γ : Sequent α} (h : Δ ⊆ Γ) : (d.weakening h).length = d.length :=
by induction d generalizing Γ <;> simp[*, weakening]

def or' {p q : Formula α} (h : p ⋎ q ∈ Δ) (d : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] (insert p $ insert q $ Δ.erase (p ⋎ q))) : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ :=
(or _ p q d).cast (by simp[Finset.insert_erase h])

def and' {p q : Formula α} (h : p ⋏ q ∈ Δ)
(dp : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert p (Δ.erase (p ⋏ q))) (dq : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] insert q (Δ.erase (p ⋏ q))) : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ :=
(and _ p q dp dq).cast (by simp[Finset.insert_erase h])

def em {p : Formula α} {Δ : Sequent α} (hpos : p ∈ Δ) (hneg : ~p ∈ Δ) : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ := by
induction p using Formula.rec' generalizing Δ
case hverum => exact verum Δ hpos
case hfalsum => exact verum Δ hneg
case hrel a => exact axL Δ a hpos hneg
case hnrel a => exact axL Δ a hneg hpos
case hand p q ihp ihq =>
simp at hneg
exact or' hneg (and' (p := p) (q := q) (by simp[hpos])
(ihp (by simp) (by simp; exact Or.inr $ Formula.ne_of_ne_complexity (by simp)))
(ihq (by simp) (by simp; exact Or.inr $ Formula.ne_of_ne_complexity (by simp))))
case hor p q ihp ihq =>
simp at hneg
exact or' hpos (and' (p := ~p) (q := ~q) (by simp[hneg])
(ihp (by simp; exact Or.inr $ Formula.ne_of_ne_complexity (by simp)) (by simp))
(ihq (by simp; exact Or.inr $ Formula.ne_of_ne_complexity (by simp)) (by simp)))

end DerivationCR

structure DerivationCRWA (P : Formula α → Prop) (T : Theory α) (Δ : Sequent α) where
leftHand : Finset (Formula α)
hleftHand : (leftHand : Set (Formula α)) ⊆ (~·) '' T
derivation : ⊢ᴾᶜ[P] Δ ∪ leftHand

scoped notation :45 T " ⊢ᴾᶜ[" P "] " Γ:45 => DerivationCRWA P T Γ

abbrev DerivationCWA (T : Theory α) (Δ : Sequent α) := DerivationCRWA (fun _ => True) T Δ

scoped infix:45 " ⊢' " => DerivationCWA

instance Proof : System (Formula α) where
Bew := fun T σ => T ⊢' {σ}
axm := fun {f σ} hσ =>
{ leftHand := {~σ}
hleftHand := by simp[hσ]
derivation := DerivationCR.em (p := σ) (by simp) (by simp) }
weakening' := fun {T U} f h b =>
{ leftHand := b.leftHand,
hleftHand := Set.Subset.trans b.hleftHand (Set.image_subset _ h),
derivation := b.derivation }

end Propositional

end LO
155 changes: 151 additions & 4 deletions Logic/Propositional/Basic/Formula.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ variable
{α : Type u} {α₁ : Type u₁} {α₂ : Type u₂} {α₃ : Type u₃}

def neg : Formula α → Formula α
| verum => falsum
| falsum => verum
| verum => falsum
| falsum => verum
| atom a => natom a
| natom a => atom a
| and p q => or (neg p) (neg q)
| or p q => and (neg p) (neg q)
| and p q => or (neg p) (neg q)
| or p q => and (neg p) (neg q)

lemma neg_neg (p : Formula α) : neg (neg p) = p :=
by induction p <;> simp[*, neg]
Expand All @@ -36,8 +36,155 @@ instance : LogicSymbol (Formula α) where
top := verum
bot := falsum

section ToString

variable [ToString α]

def toStr : Formula α → String
| ⊤ => "\\top"
| ⊥ => "\\bot"
| atom a => "{" ++ toString a ++ "}"
| natom a => "\\lnot {" ++ toString a ++ "}"
| p ⋏ q => "\\left(" ++ toStr p ++ " \\land " ++ toStr q ++ "\\right)"
| p ⋎ q => "\\left(" ++ toStr p ++ " \\lor " ++ toStr q ++ "\\right)"

instance : Repr (Formula α) := ⟨fun t _ => toStr t⟩

instance : ToString (Formula α) := ⟨toStr⟩

end ToString

@[simp] lemma neg_top : ~(⊤ : Formula α) = ⊥ := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_bot : ~(⊥ : Formula α) = ⊤ := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_atom (a : α) : ~(atom a) = natom a := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_natom (a : α) : ~(natom a) = atom a := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_and (p q : Formula α) : ~(p ⋏ q) = ~p ⋎ ~q := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_or (p q : Formula α) : ~(p ⋎ q) = ~p ⋏ ~q := rfl

@[simp] lemma neg_neg' (p : Formula α) : ~~p = p := neg_neg p

@[simp] lemma neg_inj (p q : Formula α) : ~p = ~q ↔ p = q := by
· intro h; simpa using congr_arg (~·) h
· exact congr_arg _

lemma neg_eq (p : Formula α) : ~p = neg p := rfl

lemma imp_eq (p q : Formula α) : p ⟶ q = ~p ⋎ q := rfl

lemma iff_eq (p q : Formula α) : p ⟷ q = (~p ⋎ q) ⋏ (~q ⋎ p) := rfl

@[simp] lemma and_inj (p₁ q₁ p₂ q₂ : Formula α) : p₁ ⋏ p₂ = q₁ ⋏ q₂ ↔ p₁ = q₁ ∧ p₂ = q₂ :=
by simp[Wedge.wedge]

@[simp] lemma or_inj (p₁ q₁ p₂ q₂ : Formula α) : p₁ ⋎ p₂ = q₁ ⋎ q₂ ↔ p₁ = q₁ ∧ p₂ = q₂ :=
by simp[Vee.vee]

def complexity : Formula α → ℕ
| ⊤ => 0
| ⊥ => 0
| atom _ => 0
| natom _ => 0
| p ⋏ q => max p.complexity q.complexity + 1
| p ⋎ q => max p.complexity q.complexity + 1

@[simp] lemma complexity_top : complexity (⊤ : Formula α) = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma complexity_bot : complexity (⊥ : Formula α) = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma complexity_rel (a : α) : complexity (atom a) = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma complexity_nrel (a : α) : complexity (natom a) = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma complexity_and (p q : Formula α) : complexity (p ⋏ q) = max p.complexity q.complexity + 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma complexity_and' (p q : Formula α) : complexity (and p q) = max p.complexity q.complexity + 1 := rfl

@[simp] lemma complexity_or (p q : Formula α) : complexity (p ⋎ q) = max p.complexity q.complexity + 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma complexity_or' (p q : Formula α) : complexity (or p q) = max p.complexity q.complexity + 1 := rfl

def cases' {C : Formula α → Sort w}
(hverum : C ⊤)
(hfalsum : C ⊥)
(hrel : ∀ a : α, C (atom a))
(hnrel : ∀ a : α, C (natom a))
(hand : ∀ (p q : Formula α), C (p ⋏ q))
(hor : ∀ (p q : Formula α), C (p ⋎ q)) : (p : Formula α) → C p
| ⊤ => hverum
| ⊥ => hfalsum
| atom a => hrel a
| natom a => hnrel a
| p ⋏ q => hand p q
| p ⋎ q => hor p q

def rec' {C : Formula α → Sort w}
(hverum : C ⊤)
(hfalsum : C ⊥)
(hrel : ∀ a : α, C (atom a))
(hnrel : ∀ a : α, C (natom a))
(hand : ∀ (p q : Formula α), C p → C q → C (p ⋏ q))
(hor : ∀ (p q : Formula α), C p → C q → C (p ⋎ q)) : (p : Formula α) → C p
| ⊤ => hverum
| ⊥ => hfalsum
| atom a => hrel a
| natom a => hnrel a
| p ⋏ q => hand p q (rec' hverum hfalsum hrel hnrel hand hor p) (rec' hverum hfalsum hrel hnrel hand hor q)
| p ⋎ q => hor p q (rec' hverum hfalsum hrel hnrel hand hor p) (rec' hverum hfalsum hrel hnrel hand hor q)

@[simp] lemma complexity_neg (p : Formula α) : complexity (~p) = complexity p :=
by induction p using rec' <;> simp[*]

section Decidable

variable [DecidableEq α]

def hasDecEq : (p q : Formula α) → Decidable (p = q)
| ⊤, q => by cases q using cases' <;>
{ simp; try { exact isFalse not_false }; try { exact isTrue trivial } }
| ⊥, q => by cases q using cases' <;>
{ simp; try { exact isFalse not_false }; try { exact isTrue trivial } }
| atom a, q => by
cases q using cases' <;> try { simp; exact isFalse not_false }
simp; exact decEq _ _
| natom a, q => by
cases q using cases' <;> try { simp; exact isFalse not_false }
simp; exact decEq _ _
| p ⋏ q, r => by
cases r using cases' <;> try { simp; exact isFalse not_false }
case hand p' q' =>
exact match hasDecEq p p' with
| isTrue hp =>
match hasDecEq q q' with
| isTrue hq => isTrue (hp ▸ hq ▸ rfl)
| isFalse hq => isFalse (by simp[hp, hq])
| isFalse hp => isFalse (by simp[hp])
| p ⋎ q, r => by
cases r using cases' <;> try { simp; exact isFalse not_false }
case hor p' q' =>
exact match hasDecEq p p' with
| isTrue hp =>
match hasDecEq q q' with
| isTrue hq => isTrue (hp ▸ hq ▸ rfl)
| isFalse hq => isFalse (by simp[hp, hq])
| isFalse hp => isFalse (by simp[hp])

instance : DecidableEq (Formula α) := hasDecEq

end Decidable

lemma ne_of_ne_complexity {p q : Formula α} (h : p.complexity ≠ q.complexity) : p ≠ q :=
by rintro rfl; contradiction

end Formula

abbrev Theory (α : Type*) := Set (Formula α)

end Propositional

end LO
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Logic/Propositional/Basic/Semantics.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import Logic.Propositional.Basic.Formula
import Logic.Logic.System

namespace LO

namespace Propositional

variable (α : Type*)

structure Structure (α : Type*) where
val : α → Prop

namespace Formula

def val (s : Structure α) : Formula α → Prop
| atom a => s.val a
| natom a => ¬s.val a
| ⊤ => True
| ⊥ => False
| p ⋏ q => p.val s ∧ q.val s
| p ⋎ q => p.val s ∨ q.val s

end Formula

end Propositional

end LO

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