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A solver for Wordle, written in NodeJS using modules and classes and other fancy stuff.

How to use it


Linux / OS-X:

  • Clone the repo or download the sources as a zip file:
    • git clone; cd wordle-solver
    • or
    unzip -d wordle-solver
  • Install NVM
  • Run nvm install
  • Run npm ci


  • Install NVS
  • Install Git
  • Clone the repo:
    • git clone; cd wordle-solver
  • Run npm ci

If you plan on using the twitter functions (seriously, why?), set up the twitter.json file.


Usage: node index.mjs ...

    -s|--solveToday  Solve today's puzzle
    -p|--partial ... Find the next 10 word candidates given a history, e.g., -p weary--?-- pills+?--- vague-+---
    -S|--solve arg   Solve an arbitrary puzzle, e.g., -S cigar
    -r|--reverse ... Solve in reverse, starting with a word and a list of statuses, e.g., -r cigar ???-- +?--+ ++-++ +++++
    -d|--dryRun      Do everything, but don't send the tweet
    -t|--tweet       Solve today's puzzle and tweet about it
    -e|--tweetEod    Tweet wordle-solver's EOD message
    -l|--logStats    Log statistics from twitter
    -D|--dayNum      Report the day number


Solve today's puzzle (spoiler output), e.g.,


-p|--partial ...

Find the next 10 word candidates given a history, e.g.,

node index.mjs -p weary--?-+ pills+?--- vague-+---
patin panic paint panim panni campi patio capiz qapik happi

Partial states represent a guess and its results, e.g., weary--?-+ means:

  • You tried "weary"
  • The "a" is present but misplaced
  • The "y" is right where it needs to be
  • "w", "e" and "r" are absent

-S|--solve arg

Solve an arbitrary puzzle (spoiler output), e.g.,


-r|--reverse ...

Solve in reverse, starting with a known solution and a list of statuses, e.g.,

node index.mjs -r cigar ???-- +?--+ ++-++ +++++


For use with --tweet and --tweetEod. Do everything, but don't send the tweet. It's assumed if twitter.json is not set up.


Solve today's puzzle and tweet about it (share-safe output), e.g.,

node index.mjs -d -t
wordle-solver 1 4/6
(wordle-wolver is a DIY Wordle solver I wrote in NodeJS. If you beat the bot,
you're doing great!)


Tweet wordle-solvers's EOD message (requires twitter API config), e.g.,

node index.mjs -d -e
Stats for 12599 tweets for Wordle 229:
wordle-solver solved it in 6
If you beat the bot, you're doing great!

Until Twitter is configured, --dryRun is assumed for --tweet, and --tweetEod won't work.

Please be aware that --solveToday and --solve will output the bot's full solution, not just the share-safe version.


Search for Wordle ${day} 🟩 on twitter, and add a hash of each tweet ID (for deduplication) and its win count in ./stats/${day}.json.


Print the day number. On Feb 1, the day number was coming up wrong, and I needed a way to check what wordle-solver thought the day was.

How it works

In this repository, there's a freq_map.json that contains every word that Wordle considers valid, and assigns a frequency to them (based on Wolfram Alpha's WordFrequencyData). Most of these are not solutions.

The bot is, at the highest level, a bare-bones clone of the game, and a solver for that game.

The game is simple - it knows the answer and, if you guess, it will tell you how wrong you are. Just like the real thing.

The solver reads the full word list, and makes a frequency table of the letters. It then sorts its word list by the words' "scores" - which are just a sum of the frequency of each letter. The first item in the list is then the "best" guess.

After each guess, the solver filters the word list, rebuilds the frequency table and re-sorts what's left.

There's also wordleWords.bin, which is an obfuscated representation of solutions for days 0 - 2,314 (they're on the game page too - at least as well hidden as I've got 'em). This allows the solver to solve for the day without actually visiting the site (it also allows me to make changes to the algorithm and find how fast / successful the solver is likely to be, and to run reports on guess count frequency, etc).


You'll need your Twitter API keys to use the tweet features of this bot.

  1. Copy twitter.template.json to twitter.json
  2. Go to, and click (+ Create App).
  3. Name your app, then grab the apiKey and apiSecret; put these in twitter.json
  4. In the sidebar, click on your new app's name, then on the "Keys and tokens" tab.
  5. (Revoke) the Bearer Token; you won't be needing one.
  6. Under "Access Token and Secret", generate the accessToken and accessTokenSecret, and put those into twitter.json.

How'd you encode the solutions list?

Not telling. If you're smart, you can parse through lib/getTodaysPuzzle.mjs and work it out. If you're the author of Wordle and want to use something like this to hide the words, let me know and I'll share source.

What's this about profiling?

You'll note there's an exclusion for private/ in .gitignore. That prevents me from committing the wordle solutions list and the scripts I run for doing stuff with it, and for profiling the bot.

No, you can't have those.

Hey! I ran it for day X, and it output something different than what it tweeted!

Yeah. I've been futzing with it since the first tweet. What about it?


A Wordle solver in NodeJS






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