An application built entirely in flutter for managing invoices. Personally the inspiration for this project was the fact that one of my friends had to put in a lot of effort to generate a simple fixed kind of pdf for his clients and thus this project came up
- Add custom Terms and Conditions
- Add custom Services and Products (only Rs supported as the currency for the price)
- Generate Invoice from the entered details in pdf format
- Generate Receipt from the entered details in pdf format, Account Management [WIP]
- Generate an Estimate from the entered details in pdf format
- Focus on building a good UI as well as UX
- How to generate a pdf in flutter, in a specific format and template
- How to work with Databases (SQL)
- Learning to draw Custom Curves
- How to take signature input from user by making him draw it
- How to pick files from the storage for both the platforms (Android and IOS)
- Bits of sound null-safety
- Working with asynchronous dart, involved in database operations
Dart - 2.14.2 null-safety enabled
Flutter - 2.5.1