Releases: FluxNotes/flux
Point of Care Interface, Smart on FHIR Oath Implementation, Treatment Options Viz, Medication Change Table, Sarcoma patient, editing note names
Changes in this release include:
- Addition of treatment options visualization
- Show source data information data action
- Point of care interface
- Added Sacrcoma patient
- Added SMART on FHIR OAuth Implementation
- Added NLP structured phrase (commented it out in this release so users can't use it at the moment)
- Added toxicity attribution to an active medication
- Added medication change table
- Began scss integration
- Updated patient entry dates
- Added custom note naming
- Clicking "new note" shows template view
- Added initial manual
- Added basic text paste support in IE
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- On landing page, moved project repo text to correct location
- Fixed the patient summary header so it resizes correctly
- Fixed arbitrary addition of new lines when closing and re-opening note
IE fixes, refactoring of saving notes, updated medication visualization
Changes in this release include:
- Added initial manual
- Refactored code to save notes
- Improved look of medication visualization
- Added JSON date changer utility
- Added styling to show unsigned medication status
- Show active medications
- Hide missing criteria table
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- Basic text past support in IE
- Fixed bug where there are extra scrollbars in IE
Improved actions and layout for clinical trials, updated breast cancer summary, new shortcut, bug fixes
Changes in this release include:
- Updated wording for toxicities in narrative mode
- Added receptor data table to breast cancer summary
- Added er, pr, her2 section
- Added modal with editor and options for inserting templates (modal provides context)
- End context on paragraph
- Added missing criteria action to potentially eligible clinical trials
- Added missing criteria table
- Removed enrolled trials from potentially eligible trials
- Added ability to view missing criteria when a note is open
- Added logic to save note when opening a source note
- Added breadcrumbs component
- Actions in narrative view
- Moved some UI tests to Enzyme tests
- Added new shortcut for #stop medication
- Added functionality for note parser to parse inserter shortcuts
- Added logic to update toxicities
- Updated landing page to reference flux notes as open source
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- Suggestion drop-down having shortcuts for out of scope contexts
- Correct parent shortcuts
- Fixed broken Enzyme tests
- Search auto scroll on down key
- Added ucum resolution to package.json to fix CQL Execution IE bug
- Search no longer has html tags or brackets
Additional visualizations for toxicity and trial eligibility, CQL PALLAS and PATINA eligibility, context tray styling
Changes in this release include:
- Dates are now displayed for conditions, procedures and medications in editor dropdown and context tray
- Added section for key toxicities in summary section in the targeted data panel
- Added CQL FHIR data source
- Modified CQLExecutionEngine to use DSTU2 FHIR data source
- Added CQL PALLAS eligibility
- Added trial eligibility view
- Cleaned up style of context tray
- Implemented lower burden data capture for staging
- Added HPI configuration to simplify auto-generated HPI
- Added CQL PATINA eligibility
- shortcut groups with no groupName are listed first
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- Fixed bug where laterality was not displayed in targeted data panel
Saving note styling, updates to visualization, addition of options panel
Changes in this release include:
- Converted FullApp and SlimApp to containers (part of redux migration)
- Minor refactoring for Fullapp to NotesPanel
- Updated gif on landing page
- Updated patient server
- Saving note styling
- Ability to view medication changes
- Implemented tabular paging
- Insertion of text that require context now displays PickList Options Panel
- Context tray update to display vertical lines to indicate hierarchy
- Added date of diagnosis inserter shortcut
- Added slate test in Enzyme
- Added CQL execution engine to Flux Notes
- Data with dates (procedures, medications, active contexts) now sort by most recent time first
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- Fixed suggestion portal bug
- Fixed deletion bug in context portal plugin
- Fixed copy-paste bug of creator shortcuts
Removed unused components, cleaned up app, added deletion of notes
Changes in this release include:
- Updated save functionality to update the patient record
- Added endpoint for curation study simulated data
- Styling (bold, italics, underlined, numbered and bulleted lists) are supported and are reloaded when reopening in progress notes
- Fixed line-height to make close-note-button valid height in IE
- Added delete note button to delete in progress notes
- Updated Landing Page
- Removed scrollbars from context tray subsections
- Added "Open source note" as a new action that be displayed when clicking on items in the targeted data panel
- Updated moment library
Removed unimplemented components:
- Removed workflow dropdown selector
- Removed "Show X more notes" button
- Removed note sorting from Note Assistant
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- Fixed @ros then delete s then hit enter bug
- Fixed duplicate notes bug
Initial Pilot Release
Changes in this release include:
• Set up of redux routes, store, and root reducer
• Loading existing notes now use existing content for @shortcuts
• Support visualizer actions specified by parent components
• Simple Search with Search Results Mode (search notes)
Bug fixes for the following issues:
• 2 identical entries in 2 different notes doesn’t update the visualizer
• Closing the calendar without selecting a date prevents the user from deleting the structured phrase
• Searching a context tray section for a context that doesn’t exist will remove the section entirely
Performance Updates, Bug Fixes, Styling Changes
Changes in this release include:
- Test Application Support on Microsoft Edge
- Run performance profiling on application
- Initial implementation of TargetedDataSubpanel's copy of patient object
- Support #staging #m1 without t and n
- On midyear demo patient, typing #staging then deleting loses stage
- When adding clinical trial info, it does not show up as unsigned
- Handle updating an existing study entry when adding #unenrolled for a clinical trial.
- Deleting enrollment tag doesn't delete data from model
- #imaging, when typed in full, gets translated into structured data even if there is no #disease status to reference.
- Inserting "Patina" from targeted data panel fails.
- Disease Status graph not updating with #disease status value
- Tabular Visualizer console warning
- Lab Results in Narrative visualizer are displayed with 'false' and fail to insert.
- Breast Cancer condition evidence list items should be references
- Switch use of SHR Study to be ResearchSubject
- Patient entry's value should be a reference to a Person entry
- Switch demo of full to use myd18
- Signing a note should only change the style of unsigned structured data in that note.
- Text-decoration not supported in IE
- Re-evaluate unsigned styling (too subtle?)
- Fix underline color in Targeted Data Panel
- Fix SVG icon for table vs narrative
- Text size should be same between tabular and narrative
- Clinical Trial description cell has a lot of content
- Update column header font
- Push back the background-color gray to maybe 50% of what it is now.
- Move Dr name underneath Flux Notes Logo
- Lighten the scrubber on minimap
- Reduce spacing above and below minimap
- Rename Pathology Results section to Pathology
- Editor header and toolbar should not scroll with editor content
- Sign button needs padding so it's not flush with the bottom of the page
- Lighten the border of in-progress notes
- Consistent sizing of right context tray elements
- Context Tray looks like you can switch context by choosing a different condition
Mid Year Styling Fix
Styling fix to make notes button selected on app start when pre-encounter mode is default mode. Styling fixes to make notes buttons line up more nicely
Mid Year Auto Scroll Fix
This release includes a fix for auto scrolling to the bottom of the editor when text is inserted via a template or using Dragon dictation