Point of Care Interface, Smart on FHIR Oath Implementation, Treatment Options Viz, Medication Change Table, Sarcoma patient, editing note names
Changes in this release include:
- Addition of treatment options visualization
- Show source data information data action
- Point of care interface
- Added Sacrcoma patient
- Added SMART on FHIR OAuth Implementation
- Added NLP structured phrase (commented it out in this release so users can't use it at the moment)
- Added toxicity attribution to an active medication
- Added medication change table
- Began scss integration
- Updated patient entry dates
- Added custom note naming
- Clicking "new note" shows template view
- Added initial manual
- Added basic text paste support in IE
Bug fixes for the following issues:
- On landing page, moved project repo text to correct location
- Fixed the patient summary header so it resizes correctly
- Fixed arbitrary addition of new lines when closing and re-opening note