This repository contains the source codes of the numerical model developed by Bogoni et al. WRR 2017 and featured as AGU Research Spotlight by EOS.
- The source code is written in Fortran 77/90 language, thus a Fortran compiler is required (e.g. gfortran).
- The code can be compiled through the script compile_unix (for UNIX/macOS) or compile_windows.cmd (for Windows).
- Information about the model and the sctructure of input and output files are reported in the file README.pdf
- The folder input contains a couple of templates.
- Input files must be into the input folder, located in the same directory of the executable file.
- Folders temp and output are required in the same directory of the executable file.
Please cite: Bogoni, M., Putti M., and Lanzoni S. (2017), Modeling meandermorphodynamics over self-formed heterogeneous floodplains, Water Resour. Res. 53, 5137–5157, doi:10.1002/2017WR020726