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Fliplet Data list widget


This widget is meant to be used with the Fliplet platform.

Run for local development with the fliplet-cli:

$ npm install
$ npm run watch

You can also manually build the source code with npm run build

Then, keep the watcher running and on a new tab run the following command:

$ fliplet run


The following JS APIs are available in a screen once a Data list component is dropped into the screen.

Retrieve an instance

Since you can have many data list components in a screen, we provide a handy function to grab a specific instance by its name or the first one available in the page when no input parameter is given.


Retrieves the first or a specific Single data record instance.

// Get the first repeater instance
  .then(function (repeater) {
    // Use repeater object to perform various actions

// Get the first repeater instance named 'foo'
  .then(function (repeater) {
    // Use repeater object to perform various actions

The container instance variable above is a Vue compatible instance with the following properties available:

  • direction: vertical or horizontal
  • rows: Array from the parent context
  • el: DOM Element
  • template: the list row template

Retrieve all instances

Use the getAll method of the namespace to get all instances at once:

Fliplet.ListRepeater.getAll().then(function (repeaters) {
  // Use repeaters



Use the repeaterDataRetrieved hook to mutate data after it's been retrieved from the Data Source JS APIs:

Fliplet.Hooks.on('repeaterDataRetrieved', function(options) {
  // options contains "container" and "data"

  // e.g. mutate the data array/object before it's rendered{ Name: 'John' });

  // Return a promise if this callback should be async.


Use the repeaterBeforeRetrieveData hook to mutate data before it gets sent to the Data Source JS APIs for querying:

Fliplet.Hooks.on('repeaterBeforeRetrieveData', function(options) {
  // options contains "instance" and "data"

  // e.g. mutate the data = {
    Office: 'London';

  // change limit = 10;

  // Return a promise if this callback should be async.


Use the repeaterDataRetrieveError hook to handle errors when retrieving data from the Data Source JS APIs:

Fliplet.Hooks.on('repeaterDataRetrieveError', function(result) {
  // result contains "instance" and "error"
  // e.g. show an alert

Add infinite scroll to a list

Here's a simple example on how you can add infinite scroll to a list using a Data container and a list repeater with a limit set up to 10 entries per page.

The following code will load the next page of the dataset when the user is approaching the end of the screen:

// Attach a jQuery event on window scroll
$(window).on('scroll', _.throttle(updatePosition, 200));

function updatePosition() {
  // Check if the user is approaching the end of the screen (200px from the bottom)
  if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() >= ($(document).height() - 200)) {

// Function to load the next page of the dataset
function loadMore() {
  Fliplet.ListRepeater.get().then(function (repeater) {
    // Move to the next page of the dataset and keep existing entries in the cursor{ keepExisting: true });

On the other hand, if you're paginating a list (e.g. moving the cursor between pages), you may need to manually refresh the data list:

Fliplet.ListRepeater.get().then(function (repeater) {
  // Move to the next page of the dataset;

  // Force the repeater to redraw the list