The Firefox Marketplace frontend.
make install
make serve
This will start a web server on http://localhost:8675
Our build process bundles up our JS, minifies our CSS, compiles our templates, and extracts locales into JS modules. To run the build process:
make build
This will generate files including:
To package the Marketplace frontend, run:
make package
This will output a package and output to package/archives/
. You can use
WebIDE to install this package in the device or simulator.
Further details can be found in the Marketplace documentation.
We have an instance of a mocked version of the Marketplace API at
. Documentation can be found in
marketplace-api-mock's repository.
We currently ship with an iframed version of the Marketplace frontend. It is a package that contains an iframe pointing to the Marketplace website. See more details within the iframe package directory.
A detailed guide to extracting strings and creating JS language packs is located on the wiki.
We use CasperJS to write UI tests and mocha, chai and sinon for unit tests.
make unittest
This will launch the karma test runner that will run the unit tests in a new instance of Firefox.
Before running the functional and UI tests, your settings_local.js
should have
and media_url
pointing to an instance of
marketplace-api-mock. You can
easily achieve this by setting the API
environment variable when calling
make serve
, this will overwrite your current api_url
and media_url
First, start a server with:
API=mock make serve
Then, run the tests against it. We support both PhantomJS and SlimerJS to run tests in
WebKit and Gecko, respectively. To run both use make uitest
, if you just want to run
them in one browser make uitest-phantom
or make uitest-slimer
make uitest-phantom
SlimerJS requires a path to a firefox
binary. make uitest-slimer
will try to use
which is the path to your default
Firefox on Mac. This path might not work for you and best results are achieved by using
Firefox 30. You can download a copy of Firefox 30 on To
set the path to your firefox
environment variable. You
might want to call export SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=/path/to/firefox
in your shell's setup
SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=/Applications/ make uitest-slimer
UITEST_FILE=tests/ui/<PATH_TO_TEST_FILE> make uitest
If you wish to serve the Marketplace frontend with nginx, which is often useful for keeping all the Marketplace projects on the same domain, read about serving Fireplace with Nginx.