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setting up start all script

dinoolivo edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 4 revisions


This script launches all the modules of the real-time part of the social data aggregator.

Under the /scripts folder there are two files:

  • confs.cfg.template. Remove the .template extension and edit the file providing:
Property Description
SPARK_HOME the location of your spark installation
SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT port for the web ui
SPARK_MASTER_IP IP of spark master
SPARK_MASTER_PORT spark master port
SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES number of worker instance per node (default 3)
SDA_HOME (optional) Home of SDA (otherwise will be guessed by the script from the location of the start-all script)
  • modules: This file contains all the modules that will be started from the start-all script. Add a comment (#) on the modules you don’t need to avoid starting them.

The script can be ran in two ways:

  1. submitting the applications on an existent spark cluster:
  1. setting up a spark cluster in standalone mode before submitting the applications
./ --start-spark-env

In both cases you need to edit the configuration file (in the first case to refer to the already existent master, in the second to know with which configurations to deploy it).