This is a React Native project to for Course Mobile Application Development. The Project is about an Application that allows workshops to manage services and put on their service on cafix system.
- Since React Native is based on javascript, you need to have Node version 12.++ installed on your machine.
- You can verify this by performing:
node -v
- A version number should show up if Node is installed.
- Then, you have to install Expo CLI globally:
npm install -g expo-cli
- Verify expo installation by:
expo --version
- Then, you have to download Expo Client on your phone (to debug the application later)
You can clone this repository by following steps below:
- Look for the desired location to store your project.
- Let's say you want to store in a folder named
, do the followings
cd "folder path to projects" git clone
- The repository should now be in your
- Let's say you want to store in a folder named
- Then, you should install all dependencies. Before that, you should open up your project with desired IDE (I am using visual studio code, if you are too, do as below in cmd/zsh)
code "folder path to the cloned folder"
- When Visual Studio Code is launched, open up new terminal (shortcut: ctrl + `) and do:
- You should now be ready to go!!! 🚀🚀🚀
To debug your app:
- In your terminal:
expo start
- A Qr code should appear in a short while, scan the qr code (using Camera on iOS / Expo Client App on Android) to see the application shows up in Expo Client.
- You can edit the code to see changes live!🥳