This is a mini project I created to show how different graph algorithms work, currently the project contains - :
- Breadth-First Search
- Depth-First Search
I intent on adding more path finding algorithms and different visualization to the code
The algorithms I have created are for visualization purpose so each time a node is visited the complete array is printed from beginning and this means a huge dip in terms of computation.
Normally for a matrix BFS and DFS take O(n^2) time but as after each iteration the complete matrix is being printed again so that adds a O(n^2) extra operation per iteration.
Input Format: It takes a 10*10 matrix intially empty
First Input: Starting Position Second Input: Ending Position Third Input: No. of walls / Places which cannot be traversed by the algorithm Fourth Input: Coordinated of Walls Fifth Input: 1) BFS 2)DFS