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Add upload-assets-to-s3 task
This adds a new task which can be used to upload a directory of files to an S3 bucket setting the correct mime and encoding types and cache control.
Usage: n-heroku-tools upload-assets-to-s3 [options]
Uploads a folder of assets to an S3 bucket
--accessKeyId <accessKeyId> AWS access key ID
--secretAccessKey <secretAccessKey> AWS secret access key
--directory <directory> Directory containing the assets to upload (default: "public")
--bucket <bucket> Name of the S3 bucket to upload into (default: "ft-next-hashed-assets-prod")
--destination <directory> Name of the destination directory to upload into (default: "hashed-assets/uploaded")
--extensions <extensions> A comma delimited list of file extensions to find and upload (default: "js,css,map,gz,br")
--cache-control <seconds> Optionally specify a cache control value (default: "public, max-age=31536000, stale-while-revalidate=60, stale-if-error=3600")