Poker game written for an interview test
To see it working correct, execute the following commands on terminal (linux):
The basic checks for all these have been all implemented. In order to get the correct results, the cards for two players must be given as input in the format given. The values can be any from [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,T,J,K,Q,A] The suit should be mentioned like H(hearts), C(Clubs), D(Diamond) and S(Spades)
Some sample inputs: 2H 7C AS QD 5C -- no ordering or same suit 7S 4S 5S 3S QS -- cards of same suit 4H 5S 6H 7C 8D -- straight AS AC KD KH KS -- full house 2S 4S 5S 3S AS -- straight flush