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My beautiful sway setup :)



🧐 Features

Here're some of the project's best features:

  • it looks good
  • it's fast
  • it makes you more productive
  • it's not a mess
  • it barely uses ram

🛠️ Installation Steps:

01. Install yay (or any other AUR helper)

sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay-bin && makepkg -si

02. Install packages (those are all the packages I use... you do not need all of them)

yay -S adw-gtk-theme ani-cli autotiling awesome-terminal-fonts base base-devel bash-completion blueberry bluez bluez-utils brightnessctl btop cliphist clipmon-git efibootmgr f2fs-tools fastfetch ffmpeg foot git gradience grim gst-plugin-pipewire helix hyprlock hyprpicker imagemagick imv intel-ucode joplin-appimage jq jre8-openjdk kbd-br-thinkpad kvantum-qt5 kvantum-theme-libadwaita-git libpulse libreoffice-still linux-firmware linux-zen localsend-bin lsd man-db man-pages mpv nano networkmanager noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-extra nwg-bar nwg-look onlyoffice-bin openssh papirus-folders papirus-icon-theme pavucontrol pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse prismlauncher qt5ct qt6ct screen slurp steam stress sway swaybg swayidle swaync thorium-browser-bin throttled thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin tldr tlp ttf-apple-emoji ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-noto-nerd ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono ttf-roboto-mono-nerd unrar-free unzip vesktop-bin vlc waybar wireplumber wl-clipboard wmenu xorg-xwayland xterm yay-bin zip zram-generator

03. Clone the repo

cd && git clone

04. Copy the configuration files

cp ~/nekrodots-sway/config/* ~/.config/ -r

05. Copy the throttled config to the right place

sudo cp ~/nekrodots-sway/throttled.conf /etc/throttled.conf

06. Copy the tlp config to the right place

sudo cp ~/nekrodots-sway/tlp.conf /etc/tlp.conf

07. Copy the bash config (You may want to make a backup of your config first!!)

cp ~/nekrodots-sway/bashrc ~/.bashrc

08. Open gradience, make "Standalone Color" and "Background Colpr" white, "Foreground Color" Black and apply

09. Make the papirus folder be white

papirus-folders -C white

10. Open nwg-look and apply both the theme and the papirus icons

11. Edit /etc/environment and put QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct

12. Open bpth qt5ct and qt6ct and apply the kvantum theme and the papirus icons

13. Start services (only if you need them)

sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
sudo systemctl enable tlp
sudo systemctl enable throttled
systemctl --user start clipmon

14. That's it... Reboot and enjoy. :)


my sway rice






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