I switched to hyprland, here is my new dots: https://github.com/FelipeFMA/nekrodots
- X Session with i3, a display manager, and NetworkManager (for WiFi) already installed and running.
- Install a terminal emulator (alacritty is used in this setup)
sudo pacman -S alacritty
- Install an AUR helper (yay is my favorite)
pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-bin.git && cd yay-bin && makepkg -si
- Install the Nvidia driver:
yay -S nvidia # For normal linux kernel
yay -S nvidia-dkms # For custom kernels such as linux-zen
- Install optimus-manager for managing GPUs and nano for editing text:
yay -S optimus-manager nano
- Reboot, add
, and runoptimus-manager --switch nvidia
- Install autorandr for automatic display configuration:
yay -S autorandr
- Install bluez and start it for Bluetooth connections:
yay -S bluez bluez-libs bluez-tools bluez-utils
sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth
- Install fonts:
yay -S noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-extra ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd
- Install polybar:
yay -S polybar
- Install hsetroot for managing wallpapers:
yay -S hsetroot
- Some other tools you probably want:
yay -S btop-gpu-git dunst flameshot neofetch xorg-xinput cpupower
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/FelipeFMA/nekrodots.git
- Manually place the files in the appropriate locations and reboot.
You're done!
Happy configuring! 🚀