To build the library you need the following:
- Java SDK 6
- Maven 3.x (
In the directory with the library sources invoke the following command:
mvn install
This will compile the Java classes, execute the tests and pack all the library files into jar file:
You can also create a single jar file with all the library dependencies by invoking the following command:
mvn assembly:assembly
This will result in creating file:
After compiling the library as described in the previous point, you need to add the Samurai Java Client Library to your project's classpath.
If you use Maven you can achieve that by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml
To use the library you have to create a new instance of com.feefighters.SamuraiGateway
com.feefighters.SamuraiGateway gateway = new om.feefighters.SamuraiGateway(merchantKey, merchantPassword, processorToken);
See the API Reference for a full explanation of how this library works with the Samurai API.